Chapter 1

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Zatanna and Black Canary 

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Zatanna and Black Canary 

Alright those will be the last girl to be added into your harem, now onto the story! Oh I decided you'll be a futa for this story. For some fun time later on in the story XD

Your POV

"Are you serious Y/N?" My father, Bruce Wayne growls looking down at my report card, "All Bs? That's the best you can do!?" He screams slamming his fist down on the table

I'm too scared to answer him so all I could do is sit there nervously while rubbing my arm. He storms over to me raising his hand to hit me when someone grabs his wrist.  

"Well master Bruce," Alfred spoke up, "She did have all Ds. That should be an improvement that you're suppose to be proud of." Our butler finished seeming to scorn my father

My father ignored him rolling his eyes, "Go to your room Y/N. You aren't having dinner tonight."

I timidly nod turning around and walking towards the lavished steps. 

"Master Bruce-" I hear Alfred getting onto my father again

I let out a small sigh before trekking my way up the stairs. At the top of the stairs my adopted brother, Dick was waiting for me. He's a couple years older than me, him being 19 while I'm 17. 

"He yelled at you again didn't he?" 

"Yeah." I answer softly, "He said I won't get dinner tonight." I mumble 

"Not on my watch. I'll sneak you something from the fridge okay?"

I give him a thankful smile, giving him a hug before moving onto my room. I close the door softly behind me walking over to my bed and flopping on it. I look at my hands, rhythmically unballing and balling my fists. You see I've been dealing with my father's abuse tendencies for awhile. When my mom died I was only seven years old so I was forced to come here. I can always remember the look of pure shock when the cops introduced me as his daughter. One of his flesh and blood. At first everything was great. He treated me like his daughter always encouraging me, spending time with me, and helping me with school work. Although that all changed when I turned 12. He adopted Dick into his family and after their late nights of 'shopping' he'd always come back in a bad mood. Dick would always say that he couldn't find the tux that he wanted but I knew what they were doing. I knew my father was Batman. I mean I did stumble across the Batcave one afternoon. Anyway eventually his sour mood became 24/7. He yelled at me more, insulted me, starved me, and at some points he even hit me. Although when he hit me he made sure no one was around. Suddenly I'm pulled out of my thoughts by a knock on the door. 

"Y/N? Can I come in? I've got some food." I hear Dick's voice on the other side of dark wooden door

"Yeah. You can come in."

The door opened revealing Dick with a steaming plate of food. He gave me a small smile setting the plate and some tableware on my bed. 

"Alfred took Bruce into the living room so I was able to heat some up for you." 

"Thank you." 

He nods before walking out of the room. I begin to eat in silenece listening to the sounds of my father and Alfred arguing downstairs. 

"She's not my daughter Alfred! She's changed and she even has an abnormality!" 

I felt a sting of pain hit my chest when he said that. I absent mindedly crossed my legs over my 'abnormality' hoping that it would just disappear. 

"MASTER BRUCE!" Alfred suddenly yells which never happens, "She is your flesh and blood! The only child may I remind you that actually shares your genes! You should be treating her with respect and love! Your daughter is not the person that has changed! It is you! You used to never treat her like this! Her 'abnormality' never bothered you either! You embraced her for who she is! Now you're a completely changed man."

"It's for the best Alfred."

"Whatever you say master Bruce." I could hear the venom in Alfred's voice before hearing a door slam closed 

I bite my lip worriedly hoping that my father won't do anything to Alfred. I placed my empty plate and silverware on my nightstand as I stood. I make my way over to my closet chanuging into my pajamas. Just as I slipped under my covers another knock sounded from my door. 

"Come in." I mutter hugging my pillow

Alfred enters with a solemn look on his face, "You heard us didn't you?"

"Yes." I whisper gripping the blankets tightly 

Alfred walks in and quickly sits down on the edge of the bed, "I deeply apologize for that Miss Y/N. Your father had no right to say any of those things about you."

"It's fine." I lied holding in tears, "I've heard it before. It's nothing that I'm not used to." I give him a fake smile and sadly he saw right through it 

"Miss Y/N you're a horribe liar." He somewhat chuckles, "Although please do not lie to me. Even though I'm your father's butler I am still here for you. I know your father has been treating you horribly the past few years but-"

"Why?" I interrupt him squeezing my poor pillow 

Alfred's gaze turns to a sad one, "I don't know why he does this. I'm terribly sorry. His parents would be ashamed of him if they were still here."

I didn't know how to respond so a long period of silence came over us.  After a couple more seconds of this silence Alfred stood. 

"Well once again I apologize for his behavior. I hope you have a goodnight and pleasant dreams Miss Y/N."

"Goodnight Alfred." I smile at him as he closes the door

I turn on my side looking out of my window. I gaze up at the moon as it's moonlight shined through my window. I could feel my tears brimming with tears but I'm quick to wipe them away with my arm. I close my eyes hoping that I would be able to get at least some sleep tonight. 

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