Chapter 16

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I woke up with the sunlight blaring into my eyes. I groan turning around to shield my eyes. As soon as I turn around my E/C eyes meet green ones.

"Morning." Ivy smiles resting her hand on my cheek

"Morning." I mumble grabbing her hand and placing a soft kiss to her knuckles

I wrap my arms around her and pull her flush against me. She lays her head on my breasts, closing her eyes as she listens to the rhythmic beat of my heart. I kiss her forehead, tucking a strand of her beautiful red hair behind her ear.

"I was so worried.." Ivy mumbles

I frown hating that I made her upset.

"When Deadshot and Harley told me you were arrested by the Justice League-"

"It doesn't matter now." I state hugging her, "What matters now is that I'm back, unharmed, and in your arms."

Ivy looks at me her smile widening before pressing her lips against my own. Her hands cup my face as I deepen the kiss, my girlfriend quickly sliding herself on top of me. My eyes widen when she grinds against me, causing my dick to harden.

"Nope." I state ending the kiss, "I'm not doing a round 8."

Ivy laughs as I slide out from under her. I sit up on the edge of the bed reaching for my boxers and my bra.

"Are you sure?~Your body seems to want it~" Ivy smirks wrapping her arms around my waist

"Where did all of this stamina-" I'm interrupted by the loud sound of glass breaking

We're both immediately become alarmed, Ivy rushing out of the room while I hastily throw on my undergarments. I grab one of my nearby pistols rushing out of our bedroom. The plants guide me to an opening where Ivy has Killer Frost and Cheetah restrained in the air.

"What are you doing here?" My lover questions them tightening the vines around them

"I-I followed Y/N's scent here-" Cheetah speaks

"My scent?" I ask causing their attention to turn to me

"So you're here for my lover?" Ivy growls, "I will not let her be taken away from me again."

"Ivy let them go. You know they don't work with police." I state grabbing her shoulder


I give her a look and with a sigh she lets them go. Frost and Cheetah fall onto the ground gasping in as much air as they could.

"Why are you here for me?"

"Well I thought it was rather obvious from our....advances in Arkham on why were here." Cheetah sighs standing up

"Advances? What advances?" Ivy asks narrowing her eyes at me

I look away nervously, "Just some advances that I did not return."

"We were denied because she's currently taken by you." Frost smirks approaching Ivy

"So you want to fight me?" Ivy huffs her plants getting ready to attack

"That's too tiring me. Cheetah and I were wondering if you'd allow us to join in on this little relationship."

Both my and Ivy's eyes widen the two of us glancing at each other in shock.


"You heard me." Frost states confidentially checking me out, "Besides the advantages outweigh the disadvantages."

"And what are these advantages?"

"With me and Cheetah around it'll be harder for anyone to take her. You'll have better protection all around."

"But that could also attract more enemies." Ivy states, "I don't want Wonder bread showing up in my sanctuary and destroying it."

"Oh please." Cheetah huffs, "This Batman's 'territory' the only way she'll come here to Gotham is if that Bat actually admits if he needs help."

"She has a point." I speak up, "He is very self reliant. He never wants to admit when he needs help."

"So are you saying I should allow them to date us?" Ivy speaks raising an eyebrow

"W-Well-" I stutter looking away, "Only if you're okay with it."

Ivy places her hand on her chin, looking between the two villains in front of us. She takes a few minutes to debate with herself before finally speaking.

"Alright. I'll let you two join our relationship. Although I'm in charge. I was here first so don't make any rash decisions that may endanger our lives before speaking with me."

"Sounds fair." Frost shrugs sliding her arm around Ivy's waist

Cheetah smirks joining the cold villain, trapping Ivy between them. Ivy's face turns a dark green when both of them place a kiss on her cheek. I gulp looking away from the three as I felt my dick twitch.

"It looks like someone is enjoying the view~" Cheetah purrs

My face heats up and I hear the three approach me. Within seconds I'm trapped between the three of them.

"You two were fairly busy last night." Frost chuckles eyeing the multiple hickies on my body

"Well I couldn't stop myself~" Ivy smirks wrapping her arms around my neck

"So this is the pretty face hiding behind the mask." Cheetah smiles cupping my cheeks but it drops when she sees my scar, "Who did this?"

"Her father." Ivy speaks as I look at the ground

"Who is he?" Frost asks her

"Someone not of your concern." I growl out, "I'll be the one to deal with him."

The three frown not liking my sudden change.

"We just want to help you. We care for you and if this man caused this much hate-"

"I said don't worry about it." I snarl cutting Ivy off, "I'll be the one to kill him."

Thankfully they drop the subject and don't push me any further.

"So wanna show us around babes?" Frost asks her arm finding it's way back around Ivy's waist

"I'll show you around. Y/N needs to finish getting dressed." Ivy chuckles kissing my cheek

Cheetah blows me a kiss as they follow Ivy through the sanctuary.

"I feel like my pelvis is going to be in trouble in the future." I mutter walking back to our bedroom

I quickly begin to put on my armor but I'm stopped when my phone vibrates. I grab my helmet walking over to the nightstand. I pick up the phone and there's only one notification-a message.

We need to talk

Who is this?

I wait a few moments before I get an answer.

It's Batwoman. Meet me on top of Wayne industries at 10pm.

Why should I come? How do I know you're not luring me into a trap?

If I wanted to arrest you I would've done so already. Now are you meeting me or not?

Fine. I'll be there.

Fem!Villians and Heroes x Daughter of Batman!Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now