Chapter 10

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A few hours later...

I wake up with a jolt only to be forced down by something. 

"Calm down mate. You're fine." 

I through my helmet and see none other than John Constantine. I shift my eyes away from him and to the handcuffs that were currently tying me to the bed. 

"It's been sometime hasn't it?" He asks sitting down in the chair next to me

"Yeah." I sigh laying back down

"You should've seen wonder bread when they brought you back. She and the girls were panicking. You gave them quite a scare with the whole blood seeping out of your mouth. She had thought she killed you."

 "Well what was she expecting? She punched a normal human with her Amazonian strength." I shrug wincing from the sudden pain in my stomach

I just now realize that I'm no longer in my usual attire but in a t-shirt and pants. I swiftly raise the shirt to see a dark purple area that turned black around the edges. I curse knowing that this bruise will definitely put me out of commission for a few weeks. 

"She almost broke your neck too." John states as I snap my head towards him, "She kept trying to pull your helmet off but to no avail. Luckily I stopped her and told her I would take care of you."

I open my mouth to respond but I paused. My hands grip the sheets tightly as I take a deep breath, "What father? Was he here when I arrived?"

John looks down, "No. He was out on a mission." 

I nod not feeling in the mood anymore to talk. Silence overcomes us as the blonde man shifts in his seat. I watch him closely and I could tell something was on his mind. I soon grow agitated by his constant fidgeting and can't help but speak.

"What is it?" I growl

"Why don't you want to ever meet your father? Even when I was trying to reunite you two years ago you ran off."

I let out an agitated sigh, "You remember all those scars I had on my body?"


"It's because of him." I state looking away 

"What?" Constantine asks seeming absolutely dumbfounded 

"He was an abusive father. He punched me, starved me, and even tried to kill me." 

"That motherfucker!" John suddenly shouts standing from his chair, "If you would've told me-"

"What's going on in here?" 

Both our gazes look to the door as we see my father enter. 

"It's nothin' Batsy. I just got some information-"

"What kind of information?" My father interrogates stepping closer to my bed 

"It's nothing that would benefit the league." John narrows his gaze at him as he steps in his way 

I see Batman narrow his eyes at him, "Move out of the way John. She's healthy and can be taken to interrogation."

"She just woke up! We need to have her checked out before we take her there."

Batman opens his mouth only to close it when Wonder Woman and Hawkgirl walks in. Both girls immediately notice the tension and look over at the two men.

"What's going on?" Wonder Woman asks

"Nothing." Batman states before walking out of the room

Fem!Villians and Heroes x Daughter of Batman!Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now