Chapter 11

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"Alright let's get started." Black Canary sighs sitting in the chair across from me

My eyes stay on the blonde beauty as I shuffle back, the chains connecting my handcuffs to the table clanking together. Out of the corner of my eye I can make out the figures of Wonder Woman and Hawkgirl behind the tinted glass.

"Why did you attack the military train?"

"Well for one it wasn't just me." I scoff, "The clown prince helped come up with the idea." My eyes stay trained on her as rights on the clipboard, "We attacked it because our friends were being forced into a group they didn't want to be in."

"You say they were forced? How so?"

"They had bombs implanted in their necks. If they did anything wrong or tried to leave the owner could've easily blown their heads off."

"How do you know this?"

"I found out through the Joker. He approached me with a mini, and I mean, mini bomb. It was small enough to fit in someone's neck and kill them."

"Do you know who is behind this?"

"No." I somewhat chuckle, "Although I think you should look into Mr. Wayne. We found one of his factories was producing the bombs."

"Alright next question-why doesn't your helmet come off?"

I snort holding back a laugh, "It's encased around my head by a spell. I put it there for....personal and safety reasons. You're not getting it off unless I want it off."

Canary is silent for a few seconds as she jots down my answers, "And what is your relationship with Poison Ivy?"

My eyes immediately narrow, "Why is that any of your business?" I growl

"Well you've been seen with her multiple times, helping her out with heists, attacks-"

"I'm not answering any of your questions about Ivy." I cut her off

"Fine. Although we're going to ask a few questions about what you said earlier."

"As long as your specific. I said a lot of things earlier." I roll my eyes

"You said something about one of us owing a few scars. Who is it?"

"Of course you'd ask about that." I mutter slouching in my seat, "Look don't worry about it. I'll take care of them myself."

"That's what we don't want you doing. You can tell us so we can bring him to trial."

"To trial!?" I laugh, "He's already destroyed the evidence that was once there. Besides I'm sure he can persuade the court to rule in his favor."

"So they're a he."

My eyes widen as I just now realize I gave them a hint. I ball my hand in frustration and her blue eyes quickly look down at it.

"We just want to help you."

"I'm not saying anything else." I snarl


"If she's not going to say anything else then we should go ahead and ship her to Arkham."

My attention shifts to Batman who now enters the room.

"Batman you are not authorized to interrupt this interrogation. Step out of the room." Black Canary orders

She stands up as the caped hero walks past, completely ignoring her. As I stand up I see Wonder Woman and Hawkgirl rush out of their observation room. My father stops just inches from my face.

"I beginning to get annoyed with your games V/N."

"That's funny. You never say that when Joker plays mind games with you."

His eyes narrow and I see him ball his hands into fists. I lean forward with a smirk on my face.

"Go ahead do it..." I tease, "child beater." I whisper

His eyes widen with shock before Hawkgirl and Wonder Woman come in. They quickly grab him and remove him from the room. I sit back down as Canary shakes her head.


"What do you mean she was taken?" I growl looking at Deadshot and Harley in front of me

My children lean in around me sensing my anger.

"Well when she helped us escape from the train she told puddin to cut the rope." Harley responds, "She threw Deadshot up and before we could help her birdsy tackled her."


"Black Canary." Deadshot sighs

"And you didn't go back for her?"

"I tried." The sharp shooter states, "But the clown prince told the pilot to keep going."

"That's true. He almost punched puddin'!" Harley giggles

My hands ball into fists as she giggled, "Do you know where they took her?"

"No but they'll probably interrogate her first at their tower. I'll have some of my....assets be on the look out for any prisons that may get her in. I'll be sure to contact you if anything comes up."

"Make sure the clown prince helps out." My eyes shift over to Harley as I speak, "He is responsible for my darling being captured. If he doesn't.." I trail off my plants quickly moving towards Harley, snatching her up and holding her in the air, "Well he'll face the consequences."

I make a tossing motion with my hand and my children toss Harley into a nearby bush.

"I'm sure he won't mind. He'll never pass up the opportunity to cause some chaos." Harley laughs jumping out of the bush

"Tell your boyfriend that if he ever takes a step in my paradise I'll kill him. I won't forgive him for leaving her."

"Come on Ives-"

"Don't." I snarl my anger flaring at the thought of my imprisoned beloved, "Just leave."

Harley opens her mouth but I quickly use my plants to push them out. I sigh standing up from my plant throne. I wander around my little sanctuary, stopping at the small flower Y/N had gotten me. I bend down gently holding some of the petals in my hand. A wave of loneliness and sorrow comes over me as I gaze down at the white and purple veined petals. I was already missing her touch, voice, everything. Our home just felt so quiet with her incarceration. My children must've sensed my sudden change in mood as they softly curled around me. They gently squeeze me seeming to give me a hug.

"I'll be okay." I whisper to them placing my hand on the vine beside me, "We'll find her and bring her home."  

Fem!Villians and Heroes x Daughter of Batman!Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now