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I reached the side of the pool and began to climb out slowly. Hongjoong ran to me and hoisted me the rest of the way out and held me against his chest to warm me up

"Oh my god, you scared the shit out of me. Are you okay?" He wrapped his arms around me

"I-I'm fine, just shaken up" I hugged him back tightly

"Come on, let's go inside. You're freezing" He steered me back into the house quickly

"Thank you for coming" I leaned against him

"Don't thank me, it was my pleasure" he smiled

"Hera, we're going to your room. I need to check on the injury caused by his gun" Seonghwa told me

"Ok, my med kit is on top of the fridge" I told him. I then got dizzy and all the built up pain and exhaustion I had been suppressing earlier while I fled came flooding back to me like a tsunami

"Hera?" Hongjoong held my face up and studied me,"Hera, talk to me. What's wrong?"

"She's mentally and physically overwhelmed, take her upstairs and I'll be right there" Seonghwa instructed and left to get the med kit

"Stay awake Hera, I'm here. It's going to be fine" he took me to my room and sat me down on my bed. Why me? This is the third time in less than three days

"I'm sore Hongjoong" I looked at him with tired eyes

"I know, but you need to change clothes or you'll freeze to death" he said. I nodded

"Can you call Jimin?" I gave him my phone and password

"He's going to murder us when he get's here" Hongjoong joked and dialed Jimin's number. I chuckled

"Yeah, he might"

Hongjoongs pov

Hey Hera, what's up?

It's not Hera speaking

Hongjoong?! I swear to god, if you've done something-

No, I haven't done anything less than what I promised I would do

I'm on my way now. Is she alright?

Yeah, she'll be fine. Seonghwa just needs to check properly

Ok, see you soon, and don't do anything you might regret later

With a final warning, Jimin hung up. Seonghwa entered the room with the med kit and shut the door after all the other members were inside

"Right, let's get started" Seonghwa handed her a glass that contained a colorful liquid

"What's this?" She asked as she swirled the liquid around

"It's an energy supplement" he smiled and sat next to her on the bed. She shrugged and gulped the whole glass down without taking a breath

"Slowly" I said as I watched her

"Oooooooooo" Wooyoung whispered in my ear. I elbowed him in the ribs and said nothing, but I could feel his smirk being directed at me. I ignored him and turned my attention back to Hera. Seonghwa lifted her shirt to be able to the spot where the gun hit her

A bruise was already beginning to form and the area around the bruise was swollen. Seonghwa lightly touched and pressed it to check for any serious injury. Hera hissed occasionally at the added pressure, but she showed no sign of being in pain

Dark Good Looks // Hongjoong Where stories live. Discover now