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"He knows it's you" Mingi turned to Hongjoong. Jase shook his head

"No he doesn't, I do" he said,"I found camera footage of you stealing the drive and then picking her up soon after" Hongjoong and I exchanged looks of concern

"Don't worry, I haven't told anyone" he reassured,"I downloaded the footage onto a seperate hard drive and then erased the original footage"

"Why didn't you tell anyone?" I asked

"I'll admit I thought about it, but I decided not to when I found out you were unintentionally dragged into this" he shrugged,"if I gave them the footage, they would have killed the both of you, regardless if you knew anything or not" I shook my head, not believing for a second that he refrained from exposing us because he saw me as an innocent

"You didn't like me when we first met, dare I even say you hated me. This could have been a perfect opportunity for you to get revenge on me, but you didn't. It doesn't make sense" he continued to stare at me

"Yes, I didn't like you, but that was because I misjudged you" he said,"when we met for the first time, I decided then and there that you were just a stupid, horny teenager looking for another line of gossip to spread around the school. You prooved me wrong for the first time when your little earphone trick fooled everyone. It was a smart idea, I almost believed it myself. You then showed me your confidence and your sharp way with words when you stood up to me that day. After that I then thought that you were simply a rude troublemaker, with no manners or sense of rules, you would just lash out without listening to logic. Then came our second encounter, when you continued to fight me and still had the audacity to flip me off afterward, you prooved me wrong again when you stopped at Turnbills words. I told myself that you did listen to logic, you were strong and determined, but I still saw a troublemaker. Our third meeting, did it for me. In the beginning I felt like you cowered behind that boytoy of yours, but later on you beat the shit out of me. I then realized that you were completely different from what I had originally thought. I found the footage shortly after our third encounter and after a few days of considering, I decided I wouldn't rat you out. I only acted hostile toward you because I was angry that you always proved me wrong with my judgments. Everytime we met, I tried to figure you out and just when I thought I'd done it, you did something that made my judgment irrelevant. You frustrated the living shit out of me"

"Boytoy?" Wooyoung asked. Jase jabbed his head toward Jongho without looking at him. Jongho glared and restrained from beating him

"So what do we do now?" Jimin eyed Hongjoong,"he's the only one that knows your identities, we can't just let him go"

"Well, we can't just leave him here either" Hongjoong argued,"we have nowhere to keep him and besides, he hasn't told anyone about the footage so I think we can assume he's no danger to us for now"

"I won't be a problem" Jase stated from his position on the floor,"but you will have to let me go eventually, if Turnbill doesn't hear from me within the next few hours, he'll send Sang-Bum to finish the job"

"Aren't you the only one that knows where I live?" I questioned

"I may have given my laptop password to Sang-Bum" he gave me a sheepish smile,"if he wants to find this house, he can find it on my laptop"

"You idiot" Jungkook slapped the back if Jase's head, he winced and glared at Jungkook. Hongjoong turned to San and spoke to him, his said speech being inaudible to my ears

"Let him go" Hongjoong turned back to the group

"What!? No!" Jimin shouted and made his way to stand closer to me. Yunho stepped forward and undid the rope that wrapped around Jase's wrists.

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