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Hera's pov

"Hera, my sweetheart, I need you to stay here for me, alright?" My father placed me down on the pavement, my house enveloped in flames behind him

"B-but, I want to stay with you" I whined, a tear running down my face. I coughed loudly, a reminder of the smoke I had breathed in moments before

"I know sweatheart, but I have to go, you can be strong without me, right?" I hesitantly nodded my head,"that's my girl"

He placed a kiss on my forehead before running, leaving me sitting on the pavement alone. I watched him run into the flames helplessly, I turned my head to look down the street and spotted the blinding red and white lights along with the sound of sirens. I stood from the pavement and ran toward the house, but I didn't get far. The shockwave from the explosion sent me back double the amount of distance that I'd run forward with and rendered me still

I lay on the pavement with multiple scratches and cuts, a headache now present and painful. My vision blurred in and out of focus, my only line of sight being the burning building in front of me. The vibration on the road from the ambulances, firetrucks and police cars stopped, car doors opened and various people from the different department's exited. A fireman approached me and knelt down next to me

"Hera" he said

How did he know my name? He placed his hands on my shoulders and gently rolled me over

"Hera?" I furrowed my brow, he looked like Jimin. The same worried face, same sweet eyes, same plump lips

"Jimin" I spoke, my voice hoarse and my throat sore from inhaling the smoke,"help"

"Shhhhhh, it's alright, I'm here" he said,"but I need you to wake up now"

"Wake up" his voice echoed in my ears, the fire disappeared and I could no longer feel the pain I'd felt before

"Wake up" he said again and I felt myself being pulled out

I gasped and my eyes shot open, while sitting up in my plane seat. I took deep breaths and gripped the arm rests of my chair tightly, my neck and face damp from sweat. Jimin cupped the sides of my face and made me look at him

"It happened again?" He asked softly. I breathed out and nodded

"It's alright" he said, I placed my hands on his forearms and held them to calm down. I finally looked around, the plane was dark as the lights were off, my screen was still and the movie I'd been watching had finished. I must have fallen asleep while it was still playing and slept throughout the day. The others were asleep around me and I was glad I hadn't woken them up. Jimin was crouched next to my seat in the aisle and looking up at me

"You haven't had one in a while, is everything ok?" He asked. I thought back to my dreams

"You haven't noticed anything strange about my dream pattern?" I asked he shook his head

"Have you noticed anything?" I nodded

"What?" He moved his hands from my face and held my hands

"Everytime, I have a dream.......something happens" I said, he knit his brows together

"Bad?" He asked. I nodded

"You think something might happen later?" I nodded again. He considered my words and sighed

"I don't want you to worry about it, alright?" He said,"we'll work through it"

"Alright" I replied. Jimin squeezed my hand and smiled at me before going back to his seat. I checked the time left and found we only had another two hours of flying time before we're due to land. I found my headphones on my lap and put them back on, I then went and found a two hour movie to pass the time since I didn't like the idea of going back to sleep just yet

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