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Hera's pov

My head and body ached all over. The pain was dull, but still enough to keep me still. The lighting in the room was dim and only worsened my headache while the space I was in appeared to be small. I stirred from my unwanted slumber and let my eyes flutter open, only to be met with a hard concrete floor. I groaned and shuffled into a sitting position with my back leaning against a brick wall, much to my relief, as I became more conscious, the headache began to disappear

My wrists were bound with two zip ties and my skin was partly rubbed raw from the material, my body still throbbed from open cuts and bruises that were left unattended and my initial thought about the room being small was right. It looked like a cell to me, only that there was a partially rusted door instead of metal bars. I closed my eyes again and waited for the headache to fully subside before trying to figure a way out

The room itself was plain and twice my height with three concrete walls, a concrete floor and a concrete ceiling, the only way to get out of the room was via the single door. I took a breath and stood up, trying my best to ignore the pain. I noticed the door had a small panel to look out of and so I took the opportunity to peep

I stared down a dimmly lit corridor with a few other doors that looked similar to mine, there were no guards, but a set of cameras lined the corners of the corridor near an elevator. There was no noise coming from the other cells, so they were either empty or the occupants were to tired or sore to make a fuss

The elevator then made a noise, the screen that showed the floor number showed the elevator coming down. A loud 'ping' sound echoed in the corridor and opened to reveal Jase and the man who had beaten me on the beach, they walked side by side and passed all the other cells, seeming to only have one destination in mind

I sat back down into a far corner and prepared for what may come, I couldn't trust them and I made a mental vow to not say a word to them about anything important. The footsteps stopped outside the door, a key was slotted into the door before it opened. I stared at the two men that walked in, my face expressionless. Jase walked in first and left the other man to close the door after himself

"Oh good, she's awake" the man let a smile grace his lips, but I did nothing in return

"Sour" he commented under his breath and leaned against one of the walls while Jase knelt down next to me. I pushed myself back as far into the wall as possible, not wanting to be around him. Around any of them for that matter

"How are you feeling?" He asked. I gave him a glare and didn't say anything. He gave me a pitiful smile and opened a small pouch he'd brought with him, he pulled out a bottle and popped the cap

"Take this" I eyed the pill skeptically before turning my head away, signaling that I didn't want to take it

"It'll help you" he said, trying to persuade me. The man leaning against the wall rolled his eyes and kneeled down on my other side, taking the pill ftom Jase

"Open up" he said. He was way more forceful than Jase was. He wrapped a hand around my neck and squeezed hard enough to get my mouth to open, he then dropped the pill into my mouth and covered it with his hand to prevent me from spitting it out. I kept the horrible thing in my mouth, my stubbornness not wanting to swallow it

"I suggest you swallow, it's not the nicest pill to keep in your mouth" he said. I fired daggers at him through my eyes, but swallowed the pill as it became to disgusting for my tongue to handle. He did a quick check to make sure I'd downed it before taking a step back and letting Jase continue

"I recommend you be more assertive with this one" the man directed his words at Jase,"she's not in the mood for co-operation" Jase didn't look sure about the man's words, but he was definitely considering it. In the end, he didn't say anything and just brought out a small tub of cream from his bag

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