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Mr Cho stood smirking in front of me, I couldn't find the words to speak to him. The big boss, the one Mr Turnbill answered to, was him all along? Mr Turnbill found joy in my reaction, he gave me a cocky smile and crossed his arms over his chest. I felt tears prick my eyes. I trusted him. So many other students trusted him and felt safe around him and he's actually the ring leader of a crime organization. Looks really can be deceiving

"You....?" I forced the word out, he smiled and walked to the side slightly

"You don't have to say anything" he said,"but you have to forgive me for trailing you, the hard drive is to important to leave in the wrong hands for to long"

"Wrong hands?" I questioned, my voice was barely audible as I was still trying to process the fact that my dance teacher was a crime boss,"you're the criminal, how are my hands the 'wrong hands'?"

"You dare speak to him!" Turnbill exploded. Mr Cho raised a hand to silence Turnbill, I caught a hint of irritation rising in his expression but he calmed it and continued. Turnbill placed his hands on the desk and eyed me

"The term 'wrong hands' can be different depending on the person's perspective" he told me,"from your perspective, I'm what you would consider the 'wrong hands' as you believe in something different. My perspective shows you as the 'wrong hands' as you threaten my business and lifestyle with your meddling" I didn't answer him, he had a point I'd give him that, but it didn't help the fear and hurt I was feeling at the moment

"You know, I didn't believe them when they told me you were one of the targets who had the hard drive" he said,"I just didn't think you'd be that bold"

"It was unintentional" I replied,"but I don't regret it, if that's what you're asking" Mr Cho only smiled and walked closer to me, I had lost every ounce of respect for the man and didn't want anything to do with him

"You were always so confident, I'd honestly hate to kill you so soon" he reached a hand up to brush a piece of hair from my cheek, but I didn't give him the chance. When his hand got close enough, I quickly snapped my head to the side and bit his finger hard. He hissed and pulled his hand away from me, I hadn't bitten hard enough to draw blood, but it was still probably sore

"You bitch!" Turnbill yelled and reached under his table, I didn't have time to react before he pulled his gun out and pointed it at me. The only response my body gave me was to snap my eyes shut quickly and turn my head away

"Stop!" Mr Cho shouted at the man with the gun, but Turnbill didn't listen to him. The loud bang of a gun went off and the room fell deathly silent, I waiting to feel the life drain from me, or for the warm red liquid to spill from the hole in my body

But nothing happened

I slowly cracked an eye open and looked down at myself, there was no hole, no blood. He missed? I looked up at the man that held the gun and widened my eyes in shock and horror. Right over Mr Turnbills heart, was a small red dot that was growing in size every second that passed. Turnbill had fired his gun before being shot and I could now make out the cut running across the top of my shoulder, the blood was minimal along with the pain

I looked to my side. Mr Cho had his hand gun drawn and it was pointed directly at the man behind the desk, the bullet shell having fallen to the ground already. Turnbill dropped his gun to the floor and glanced down at the hole, confusion clouding his features

"S-sir?" He stuttered. The tears I'd been holding back earlier broke through the wall and spilled down my cheeks, Mr Cho shot him

"I gave you an order and you directly disobeyed it" Mr Cho told him and let the gun hang by his side,"I told you she was mine to kill if I wanted to" Mr Turnbill struggled to speak and just resembled a gaping fish as his mouth opened and closed pointlessly, but he put up a fight for his life and fell to the floor to pick his gun up again. He raised it in an attempt to shoot me again, but Mr Cho didn't give him the chance and planted a bullet right in he middle of his forehead before Turnbill could even think about pulling the trigger

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