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Seonghwa and I walked into the living room where everyone had already gathered

"Good, you're finally here" Jungkook smiled

"How do you feel now?" Seungmin asked

"Fine" I smiled at their concern

"Alright, let's get down to business" Chanbin looked at Jimin and recieved a nod. We all waited for him to continue

"Hera" he paused,"we have decided to take you away from here for a little bit, we just think the situation and the people that are involved in this situation are just to dangerous for our liking," he looked at the members of Ateez,"we feel it would be good to get you away from this" he finished. Before I could say anything, San spoke up

"What!?" San yelled

"You heard me!" Chanbin shouted back

"You can't just do that, if anything that's more dangerous than us! What if Jase comes back? Tell us exactly how you're going to stop him" San said in disbelief. Chanbin ignired him and continued

"But thats not for you to decide, and last time I checked you didn't stop Jase yesterday either" Chanbin fumed

"What makes you think you get to decide? It's her life not yours!" San argued. I just stood there not knowing what to say. Both sides had relevent points, but this is to much to handle right now and it's still to early in the morning. The argument intensified, but I didn't want to be apart of it. While everyone was yelling at each other I snuck away and left the room

Where to go?

Where to go?

I kept thinking as I wondered the house. I just wanted to go where the shouting couldn't be heard. I looked out the window onto the street and remembered from when San drove me here on his bike that there was a small corner store not far from here

I silently exited the house without anyone noticing and began walking slowly down the street. Despite the small pain, the walk was actually quite nice and probably beneficial to the healing process. Not many cars were out and only the sound of rustling trees could be heard

After a few minutes, the store came into view and a smile spread across my face. The sky then began to darken steadily, I looked up and saw storm clouds covering every inch of the sky, just like yesterday

It must be the rainy season

I jumped at the sudden sound of thunder and thought it would be best to hurry. I crossed the street with a limp and entered the store just as it started to pour. Guess I'm going to be stuck here for a while

Hongjoongs pov

"Well, where do you think she could have gone?" Minho asked Taehyung

"I don't know" He replied

"We have to think of something, what if she's broken a bone or worse" Minho stressed. Everyone was stressed

During the heated argument from earlier today Hera had disappeared without a trace. We didn't know when exactly she left, but we realized it to late.

At the moment Bang Chan, Jungkook, Felix, Han and Yoongi were out of the house looking for her while Mingi and Namjoon were at the computer trying to track her down, the rest of us were either panicking or thinking of places that she could have gone. Bang Chan's group already checked her house and some of her favorite places, but came back with no success.

The rain was pouring down and it had started to hail not long ago. We then heard someone's ringtone from the kitchen counter, all of us perked up at the sound and bolted to the kitchen. Hyunjin was already there and picked the phone up, I don't think the phone was his but that wasn't the point as of right now

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