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Hongjoong's pov

Jimin sat on the couch looking defeated and upset with himself, he hadn't said anything since Hera left and the atmosphere in the room had become dull and tense. There was now a prominent red mark on his cheek in the place where she had slapped him, but he didn't seem to care about it right now

The rest of my group had arrived at the room a few minutes ago and were very confused by the grim faces of the guys already in the room, Mingi set up his laptop on his lap and sat on a chair next to the balcony door. I kept glancing at Jimin, partly angry with him for his words toward Hera and partly sad for him

"We have a small problem" Mingi broke the silence with a worried tone of voice,"Hera isn't here, but her tracker is telling me she's in the room" I let the sinking feeling of panic set in, I looked toward the place where she'd been sitting and spotted the small sticker like tracker. She'd dropped it. We didn't know where she was. I handed Mingi the tracker and watched him slump slightly in his seat

"Find her" I said,"even if it's just a split second image" Mingi gave a nod and went back to typing on his computer

"Hongjoong" I faced Seonghwa,"what happened?" I sighed, not wanting to relive the situation again

"Let's just say it didn't go as planned" I replied. He leaned against a wall and folded his arms, waiting for Mingi to find something

"What do we do now?" Hoseok asked me, I gave him a small smile

"We find her and sort things out, I'm sure she didn't go that far" I reassured him

"Jimin, are you......ok?" Namjoon asked him and took a seat next to him. The said man shook his head and buried his head in his hands, Namjoon placed a hand on his back comfortingly

"Don't worry" Felix said,"she'll forgive you, she knows it wasn't intentional"

"Does she though?" Jimin said and looked at him,"did you see the way she looked at me before walking away?"

"Yes, but you can't blame her for being upset, it probably hurt more since it came from you" Yoongi shrugged and stood to go watch whatever Mingi was doing on his laptop

"I didn't mean it....." he said weakly,"it just.....came out before I could stop it"

"It's my fault" I said to him,"I shouldn't have let her stop you from yelling at me, it might have ended differently" Jimin took a breath before looking at me

"It wouldn't have changed anything, it would have just delayed it" I remained silent, waiting for him to continue,"you can see she cares about you, she could see she I was probably going to hit you and stepped in before I could" he paused,"Let me ask you something.....when was the first time you kissed her?" I blushed, thinking back to the time in her bedroom. I didn't think I'd be telling him this soon, but I knew it had to happen eventually

"The first time was in her room before we interrogated Jase" I told him. He sighed and leaned back into the cushions

"I can't keep her away from you, can I?" He spoke to no one in particular and it was more of a rhetorical question, but I'm pretty sure everyone was thinking of the same answer....No way in hell

"I found her" Mingi's voice sounded in the quiet room, we all shufted behind and next to him in order to be able to see her. Jimin huddled next to me, probably being the most curious out of all of us

"She left the hotel" Mingi narrated the sad girl as we followed her movements through the security camera footage. We watched her figure run across the parking lot of the hotel, she was crying, but it couldn't be seen clearly. I checked the time stamp and realized that the footage was from half an hour ago, so she could have gone anywhere within a two kilometer radius by now

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