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Hongjoong and I had officially escaped, but we still walked with caution and occasionally looked over our shoulders ever few minutes. In a way, it felt nice to be near him, he radiated a warm energy which I wanted to be close to and he'd already proven to be a trustworthy friend. I kept glancing at him, dispite my brain telling me not to

"Tell me something interesting about you" he suddenly said as we walked down the suburn streets of a nice looking neighborhood. I was caught of guard by his sudden request, but complied anyway

"Like what?" I asked, there were to many aspects about a persons life that others could consider interesting, so 'something interesting' was to vague for me

"I don't know, tell me anything. First thing that pops in to your head" he elaborated. I thought about it for a few seconds

"I have fifteen guy friends and I don't really have any girl-friends, although sometimes I wish I had a girl-friend" I said. His eyes went wide and he looked at me

"Fifteen!!? Boys!?" He gasped and clasped the space over his heart. I laughed at his outburst

"Yes" I confirmed with a smile

"What happened to all the girls" he asked, still shocked

"I didn't really get on with the girls" I explained,"and I know it sounds cliché, but some girls just generally don't get along with other girls. I bet I'm not the only one"

"Wow" he said. We were silent for some time

"Now tell me something about you" I said. He seemed hesitant for a moment

"I live in a house with seven other men" he said and chuckled as he seemed to think about them

"See, you're not that different from me. Your brothers?" I asked curiously

"Not by blood but we see each other as brothers." He informed me

"Oh" I said," that's cool" He smiled

"My turn" he said, "any siblings?"

"Not anymore, but I don't really like to talk about it" I answered and scratched the back of my neck awkwardly

"Ok, no problem, I'll respect that" he said,"do yo-" he began, but I cut him off sharply

"Hey, it's my turn now" I objected, "how old are you?

"Twenty two" he said,"what school?" I was about to answer, but then became reluctant to mention my school's name. He looked at me inquisitivly

"Why do you hesitate?" He asked. I sighed and dicided to tell the truth

"Well, even though we just ran and escaped with each other, I don't really know you that well so I don't know if I should tell you things like that" I said

"Do you think I'm a kidnapper?" he said and smirked devilishly

"Not really" I said with a thoughtful look on my face

"Why?" He asked

"Because if you wanted to kidnap me, your face wouldn't look as pretty as it is now" I explained confidently

"So, you think my face is pretty?" he teased ignoring the other half of my statement

"Shut up" I said and tried to hide my face. I then decided to get into the more serious questions, the curiosity was killing me

"So, why were you running from those guys?" I asked cautiously. He averted his gaze and considered the question before he spoke

"I took something from them, that is needed to expose a lot of certain bad people" he said. My eyes widened slightly, but soon returned to their normal size

Dark Good Looks // Hongjoong Where stories live. Discover now