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I arrived at the school gates to find Jimin waiting for me with Jungkook by his side. I had known Jungkook for a few years and we had a pretty good connection with each other, he was protective, but cute at the same time

"Hera!" Jungkook shouted when he saw me rolling into school on my board. I stepped off the board and flipped it up into my hand, starting to walk instead

"Jungkook, I'm right here. You don't need to shout" I said with a small laugh as I hugged him tightly, he hugged me back

"Sorry Hera, but Jimin just told me that you said you would help him ace the history test and I also need help. Pleeeaaaassse!" He asked. His wide, puppy eyes were hard to resist and always managed to catch me off guard

"Why do you never study? Listen, I know we're good at passing answers to each other, but one of these days the teachers will get suspicious" I whispered to them as we started walking into the school building, passing other chattering students on the way

"I know, but I'm super busy with a dance class assignment and I just don't have the time. You know how much I love dancing" he whined with a pout as he jogged to catch up with me and Jimin. I sighed and stopped at my locker, spinning the code in and opening it

"Fine" I said bluntly,"but start to prioritize your life, it'll come in handy in the future" I joked with a smile and gave him a pat on the shoulder

"Thankyouthankyouthankyou!" He chanted and wrapped his arms around my waist before spinning me aroynd,"my goddess of protection and love" I giggled at his childish ways and put my skateboard in my locker, slamming it shut after

"Wrong goddess" I told him. He put me down and tilted his head to the side

"Hera is the goddess of fertility, marriage, childbirth and women. The goddess of love is Aphrodite and the goddess of protection is Soteria" I explained. My mother had always be into gods and goddesses, particularly Egyptian, but when it came to my name, she chose from the greek goddesses

"Oh" Jungkook nodded and smiled widely,"well, you are all of them to me. Come on, let's go"

We walked to the soccer field stands to wait until our first lesson, we would usually come here to get away from the crowded halls and the prying eyes of some others. The air had a slight bite to it, but it was otherwise nice to be outside

I started to hear the sound of pounding footsteps getting closer to us, I whipped my head around just in time to see Taehyung, I realized his intentions to late and couldn't move out of the way fast enough before he rugby tackled me to the ground. The air was pushed out of my lungs at the impact of my back hitting the ground. Taehyung always did this, so I was used to it

I used my legs and flipped myself ontop of him. I gave him a death glare and he responded by giving one right back. After staring at each other for a few seconds we all burst into a fit of laughter, I got off Taehyung and helped him up. The grass had the early morning dew on it and so the back of my hoodie was now wet

"Thanks Tae" I said sarcastically as I showed him the wet patches

"You're welcome. Hey, have you seen Namjoon?" He asked, completely ignoring my sarcasm. I thought back to this morning, trying to remember if I saw him or not

"No, he's usually in the library in the morning, did you check there?" I asked. He nodded in response

"Oh! I saw him earlier, he was in the art class talking to Mr Turnbill" Jungkook exclaimed,"but I didn't greet Namjoon, I don't like that teacher" Taehyung laughed at Jungkook's honesty

"Art class?" I asked, "Namjoon doesn't take art" I furrowed by brows

"The art teacher doesn't like Namjoon, so he is always giving him a hard time" Jimin told me. I rolled my eyes

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