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Hera's pov

"Yoongi, can you walk any faster" I joked and slowed my pace to wait for him. He groaned and dragged his feet dramatically

"Why did we have to be up so early? Our flight doesn't leave for another two hours" he wined and held his arm out to me, I playfully rolled my eyes and began dragging him behind me

"Because it's an international flight, so we have to be here early" I answered and pulled him closer to the large group that was sitting down in the waiting area already

"Took you long enough" Jungkook directed his question to Yoongi and smiled mischievously. Yoongi only rolled his eyes and settled into a chair, he leaned his head back into a travel pillow and closed his eyes. I shook my head and took a seat next to Jungkook and Bang Chan

"You excited?" Jungkook asked. I nodded and relaxed into my own travel pillow

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say the only thing you're gonna do on this holiday is sleep" I chuckled and looked at Jungkook

"Not a chance, I'm just trying to catch up on some hours before we leave" I patted his arm

"You already got six hours at my house" Jimin smiled,"do you need more?"

"You know I struggle to sleep on planes, I need as much as I can get" I replied. Jimin shrugged and didn't say anymore. I closed my eyes and sighed. This would be my first overseas holiday in a while and I was excited for it, even if it was because of an unlikely situation. I listened to the announcements for various flights as the group rested in the chairs, ours was getting closer by the minute and the excitement was building up

The group spoke amongst themselves for the remaining two hours, while some went to get food and drinks in the spare time. I drifted in and out of sleep, only catching bits and pieces of conversations

"Now calling all passengers for flight 14, flying to Miami" the announcers voice came loud and clear through the airport speakers. I yawned and opened my eyes, the group was already standing and grabbing their bags

"Come on sleepy head, let's go" Namjoon pulled me off my chair by my arms and smiled. I returned his gesture and grabbed my own bag before following the group

Since we sat close to the gate, we were one of the first groups to board the plane. The air hostess greeted us as we made our way to our seats and loaded our bags into the above compartments. Once my bag was packed, I closed the door of the compartment and sat next to Hoseok, who had decided single handedly to snatch the window seat for himself

"You snooze you loose" he joked. I rolled my eyes playfully and sat next to him in the seat next to the aisle. I looked around at the various passengers boarding the plane, letting one in particular catch my eye

He was handsome and tall with a fit figure, his hair looked soft and his fasion was on the next level. He looked somewhat familiar to me. He had a pair of shaded glasses covering his eyes, but he turned his head toward me as if he could feel someone looking at him

His lip turned up into a smirk when he caught me looking at him, I looked away quickly and tried to remember where I'd seen him before. He said nothing as he passed me, but accidentally bumped his bag against my chair. A pen fell out the front pocket and dropped onto the floor next to me. I went to pick it up the same time he did, his hand grabbed mine gently and slipped a piece of paper into it

I looked up at him, his lips were still curved into a smirk. He released my hand, leaving the note behind and grabbing the pen off the floor. I watched him walk to the back of the row, he set his bag in the compartment and sat down. I looked down at the note in my hand before unfolding it

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