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Seonghwa picked up a small pair of scissors and cut a square hole in her pants around the wound, he threw the piece of material to the side

He then picked up a needle and stuck the tip into a bottle of clear liquid. He bent down to examime the wound to be able to put the syringe in the right place.

"Get ready" he said, we braced ourselves. The second the needle touched her wound she began to fight against us. She squirmed and her face was an image of pain. Seonghwa continued to push the needle further, she gasped shut her eyes tight.

He began to press the liquid into the wound, I found out that the liquid was meant to flush the drug out of her system so he had to insert the liquid at the source of the drug.

She started crying, whilst still fighting us. When the syringe was empty he pulled it out of her leg and set it on a little table near him. She was still breathing heavily as tears streamed down her face. Seonghwa closed his eyes and breathed in deeply

"Seonghwa?" Wooyoung asked concerned,"what's wrong?"

"I made her cry" he said

"Seonghwa, she's in pain. It's going to continue if you don't do something. Please, now isn't the time to freeze up. She knows you're doing this to make her feel better in the end" Wooyoung begged with him. He sighed before picking up a pair of pliers,"this is going to hurt a lot, hold her tight"

I looked at the wound.

It was deep with blood oozing out as each second ticked by. It soaked the towel she was laying on a dark red, I forced myself to look away. Seonghwa kneeled on the side of the bed and placed his hand on her thigh to hold it in place. The added pressure only caused more blood to ooz out.

The piece of wood was embedded in her leg pretty deep so Seonghwa was going to have to dig to get it. He pressed the pliers into the wound to get the piece of wood. Blood coated his hands. Hera cried out and pushed her head back into the pillow. She screamed and tried to move away, but we didn't let her.

"I'm going to get this over with quickly" Seonghwa told us. He quickly twisted the pliers 90° and yanked the wood out. She let out another ear piercing scream before going still

The wood piece was coated in blood and around 3 inches in length, Seonghwa put it on the table along with pliers. He grabbed another towel and gently pressed it to her leg

I looked at her. She looked calm. Her eyes were closed and her lips were slightly parted. Seonghwa checked her pulse.

"Her heart rate is still a little bit high, but she's fine for now" he said

"You literally yanked it out, how did she fall asleep!" Wooyoung's shocked expression almost made me laugh

"She didn't fall asleep, she passed out from pain" Seonghwa explained,"I just need to disinfect and stitch up the wound. Then we should let her rest" I nodded. We let go of her arms and legs considering she was unconscious

"Wooyoung, go tell the rest of the guys that she's fine. I'm sure they all heard the screaming" I said. Wooyoung looked at her one last time before leaving the room and closing the door

"Jongho, please fetch me the alcohol while I get the stitches ready" Seonghwa busied himself near the side table while Jongho dug in the medical bag for alcohol. Seonghwa threaded a needle and layed it on the table.

"Find it yet?" He asked Jongho. As a response, Jongho threw the small plastic bottle to Seonghwa swiftly.

"Thanks" He opened the bottle and poured some onto a cloth before dabbing the wound carefully. He then picked up the threaded needle and began to stitch the wound shut, he worked fast and smooth. Lastly, he wrapped a bandage around the wound

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