Friendship Shines Through

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---Couple hours before---

"Have you finally realized your love for me, my Starship?" Thomas asked as he stepped out of the portal with his hands out in a hug walking towards Star.

"Yeah.. no," Star said pushing Tom away, "Look, I need your help. Marco is missing and you're the only person that can help me... I hope."

Tom started to flame up a but at the mention of the boy who ruined his date but calmed down after seeing Stars crestfallen face. Tom knew what he did to Star in the past was wrong, and he wanted to make amends for what he did.

"Ok, I'll help," Tom said softly, "what do you need?"

Star immediately perked up. "REALLY," Star coughed after realizing her overreaction," I mean thanks Thomas," Star said as she curtsied.

Star walked to her book with Tom following and Star started explaining, "Ok, ok, so I was looking through my book and found this. Everbonding Bloodmoon" Tom flinched at remembering that night. "What does this mean?" She finished looking at Tom.

Tom sighed he knew he was going to have to explain it sooner or later. "Do you remember that night? The night I invited you to the ball?" Star nodded. "Well I was trying to get our souls bonded together," Tom closed his eyes expecting to get hit with a Narwhal but just heard a single


"No offense but you know I hate you, right?" Star said just looking at him.

"Yeah", Tom rubbed his neck awkwardly. "Well anyways the binding is supposed to be for the people who are meant to be, and that was my hope..."

Star stood there in shock. She and Marco were supposed to be? She felt extremely giddy but dread at the same time because of Jackie.

He continued, "The bond is supposed to give you special powers with it. You can feel your lover's emotion and in some cases feel where they are, but this takes a lot of concentration on the other person."

Star just stood there not knowing what to do. This was her chance. And she had to take it, now. She grabbed Tom's hand and ran to Marco's room

"Star what are you doing," Tom asked as she ripped open Marco's closet looking for a hoodie. When she found the one she wanted she started to sniff.

"Star!?" Tom asked even more confused.

But at the time Star wasn't listening. Only thinking of Marco. She started to feel something... fear. She felts Marco's fear. What were they doing to him? She took one more big sniff and concentrated.

Tom watched Star stand up and look at him.

She spoke,

"He's on Mewni."

---Toffee's castle, Mewni---

Star stepped out of the portal onto the hard stone floor of the castle. And the feeling of fear increased, and she knew why.

"MARCO," she yelled trying to run to him as she saw his eyes turn black once more. Toffee simply smacked her away and she flew into the far wall.

"Now, Now Princess Star it's rude to interrupt a conversation like that. Did Saint O's teach you anything?

"What did you do to Marco?" she asked in a strained voice as Tom helped her up.

"Oh, the boy simply had too much.... what's the word? Oh, right will power. Just to make it a bit easier."

"Easier to what?" Star asked finally up.

"To control him of course... Attack."

Star barely dodged out of the way of the attack, as she got showered with debris from the impact hitting one of the pillars and causing a hole to open in the roof. She tried to talk him out of it.

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