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"I knew we should have made sure he was dead."

"Yes, I know dear."

"Now he's gone and try to hurt my precious daughter."

A hand is placed on his shoulder.

"Yes, I know River," Queen Moon said down to King River. She looked down at him and said endearingly, "Thats why we need to look for clues. There's no way he is gone just like that. I'm not making that same mistake twice."

She stared off with regret in her eyes. River grabbed her hand pulling her out of her thoughts,"And it won't Moonpie. But first you need to rest. You're tired. Let's go home and have some of the Queensguard look tonight.

Moon looked back at him. As much as she would have loved to listen to her husband's words she knew she couldn't.  She looked at him, "River we can't let anyone know about this. What would happen if the commoners or worse the High Commission do if they heard that Star was attacked and lost the royal magic wand. There would be chaos."

River knew this would be true. The Butterflies where the most powerful kingdom in Mewni, and if people knew that they almost lost their princess at the hands of a single monster they would start to question if their monarchs could protect them.

"Yes well then let's keep looking."

The Queen nodded and the both went back to looking for any sort of clue.


"Stupid Toffee, Stupid Portal, Stupid Dirt," he kicks up dirt in anger but a gust of wind blows it into his eyes.

"Aaaaaah!" he rubs his eyes rolling on the ground to get the dust out of his eye. Once his eyes are free of the dust prison he walks off deeper into the woods.

How dare Toffee throw him out. Especially after Ludo took him in. After many of Ludo's plans were ruined by Star and BoxingBoy, he needed some new monsters. After going through all the monsters Toffee was the last one(he's still not completely sure how he got in but...) so he hand no choice but to hire him.

At first things were great, his monsters were getting better and stronger but that was until Toffee turned them against him. Toffee grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and threw him into a portal. Leaving him where he's at now, wherever 'here' is.

"I will get revenge Toffee, if my name isn't Ludo Arvarius King of Mo-," he trips," oomph."

"Who dare trips Ludo," he turns around to find the culprit but gets wide eyed at what it was...

----Back at the Ruins----

"Moonpie come over here you might want to looks at this," River called over to Moon who was trying to look under some debris.

She ran over to look at where River was pointing.

Down in the middle of a crater was and assortment of crystals with one giant crystal in the middle.

They both slid down farther into the crater. When they got close to the crystal in the middle it reacted. Opening up slowly with smoke escaping out the newly open cracks.

"Is that..."

----Both at the same time----

"A wand?"


Moon took it in her hands not gripping it as to not change its look. It was defiantly the wand but it was different. There were different feature here and there but the things that stuck out the most the the half a star in the middle.

"Its broken... come on we need to try to look for the other half," Moon put the wand away in the bag she was carrying and both her and River went on their search to look for the other half.

----Meanwhile in nowhere----

"I can't believe it. I got it. I got it!! I finally got the wand!" Ludo was jumping around waving his new found wand above his head.

"Now. Let's try this baby out," he aimed his wand at a nearby tree.

"Narwhal Blast!"

Nothing happened.

"Narwhal Blast!!"

Nothing happened.

"What's wrong with you?" he said shaking it. He looked at it again. He had been aimed at enough times to know that the star was broken.

"Where's the other half?" he questioned.

"Star," he growled. She still had the other half to his wand and he was going to get it back.

He started walking again. "I swear, Star Butterfly, I'm coming for yooouuuuu--aaaahh," not watching where he was going ,once again, he fell down a steep cliff rolling down faster and faster till a conveniently placed hill sent him flying through the air crashing into the middle of a clearing.

He got up rubbing his head, "Stupid cliff ,stupid hill, stupid..." he looked up at what was in front of him,"Mewni."

He whispered, "Mewni, I'm on Mewni."

There is the epilouge. Don't know if you can tell or not by reading it but...

Im gonna continue working on this story. Its not gonna be this same book but a new one. Personally wasn't sure what I wanted to do as an epilouge but made me realize this is a perfect chance to try and lead on to another book. A season 2 in a way.

Before I do though new chapters with some extra stuff will be added. Real believe that my writing skills have gotten better from when I first started to want to fix old ones too.

I will post A/N to keep you updated.



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