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     --Dimension: Earth--
     Star, Marco, and Tom come flying out of the portal one by one falling into a dog pile.

"Ow, that hurt a lot more than I thought it would," Tom said getting himself up from the floor rubbing his head," Right? Starship."

     He turned and looked at Star still holding the unconscious Marco in her arms trying to shake him awake.

     "Come on wake up, wake up Marco," her voice edging full-on crying," You're safe now come on just wake up."

     As her eyes start to fill with tears Tom came and put a supporting hand on her shoulder. This broke Star, setting down the boy Star jumped into Tom hugging him full-on crying now.

     Tom, still having the feelings for Star, pushed down any thoughts he had about her and hesitantly hugged her back. Not trying to get her affection but as a comforting gesture, as a friend.

     Of course, he wasn't happy with this but what could he do. He knew Star and Marco were meant to be and the blood moon proved that. There was nothing he could do except support her.

     Once Star finally calmed down she looked up to Tom with tears still in her eyes," W-What if he's dead."

     He grabbed her by the shoulders, "Star, don't be dramatic you know that not true. You should know the most that it will take more than that to kill him. For crying out loud he tried to fight me after I threatened to kill him with fire."

This managed to get a giggle out of her. She wiped her eyes and then brought her eyes to Marco.

     "Yeah you're right," she looked back at Tom, "I'm sorry for being overdramatic and sorry for dragging you into this."

"It's ok. What are friends for," he opened his arms, "Friends?"

Star smiled and returned the hug


     Star feeling better went back to Marco, "Ok Tom can you help me bring Marco to the couch?" He walked over.

     "Ok, you grab his legs. On 3. 3..2..1...hngg," They manage to get him on the couch, "Oh man I thought he would be lighter," Star said wiping her brow.

"No kidding. So what now," Tom said looking at Star.

She thought for a moment and then started for the kitchen.

    "Mrs.Diaz? Mrs.Diaz are you in here? Huh, she's not here," she calls out and then sees a note on the fridge.

'Out grocery shopping for taco night. Love, mom.'

     "Hmm, she not here either," she said to herself. She sighed. She knew there was only one option left but she didn't want to leave Marco alone. She looked to Tom.

     "Tom, I'm gonna need you to tell my parents about what happened and get them here. I would do it but I don't want to leave Marco and I don't think I can face my parents right now."

     He simply nodded, "No problem, I guess I'll be back in a bit, cya." He walked back into the living room to get a bit more space and opened another fire portal. He turned around to look at Star and then at Marco once more and then walked into the portal.

As soon as Tom left Star was back at Marco's side trying to talk to him to get back up.

     "Come on Marco this isn't funny anymore get up," she shook him again.
Giving up she sat on the floor crossing her arms. She thought back about the things she's done with Marco and Marco in general.

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