The Pier

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[A week later]

    Star got up bright and early as she normally did. She got up and did her morning stretches. It was Saturday which was apparently a day where she didn't go to school.

    Star made her way to Marco's room and slowly opened the door peaking inside. "Marco are you up?" she said quietly waiting for a response. When she didn't get a response she decided to wake him up with force. She walked up to his bed and jumped on his back. "Marco wakes up," she said louder shaking his shoulders.

    "Aaaahh," Marco yelled knocking Star off of him as he fell of his bed too. Marco opened his eyes and started to groggily say, "Princess you could at lea-" He stopped he realized he was on top of Star. Their faces close to each other, noses almost touching.

     Marco stood up quickly pushing himself away from Star turning himself around to hide his blushing. Star picked herself up speaking clearly embarrassed, "I tried to wake you up but you didn't so I decided to try another way."

     "You could have simply shaken my shoulder lightly," Marco respond a bit harshly to hide his embarrassment. "Well I'm going to get ready," Star said heading to her room.

     After Star left the room Marco stood there wondering what happened. "I don't like Star, I don't like Star, I don't like Star," he repeats in his head. "I'll go take a shower that will clear my head," he said walking to the bathroom.

     Star headed to her room going through what just happened in Marco's room. Their faces were so close. It took everything in her power to fight her urge to kiss him on his lips.

    In the beginning, she denied her feelings for Marco. "Marco was this bad boy jerk how could I like him," she used to think. But during her week on Earth, she realized how caring and nice Marco actually was. She felt safe around him.

    She brushed her hair and put her clothes on to head downstairs. When she made it down there she smelt the smell of pancakes cooking. Her stomach grumbled. She fell in love with pancakes while on Earth. She would drown them in syrup.

     "Hello dear," Mrs.Diaz said putting down a plate of pancakes. Star grabbed her fork and knife and started devouring her pancakes when she saw Marco making his way down the stairs.

    Marco sat down next to Star not even glancing at her. Marco sat waiting for his food to come with an obvious awkward silence between them. Mrs.Diaz burst out of the kitchen with two plates of pancakes handing one to Marco and placing one at her seat.

    "So you guys have anything planned?" Mrs.Diaz asked breaking the awkward silence between the two teens. "No, planning on doing nothing," Marco said swallowing a mouth full of pancakes. "How about you two go to The Pier?" Mrs.Daiz said looking at the two of them.

     Star looked up from her food and asked, "What's a Pier?" "The Pier games, rides, and all sorts of food." Mrs.Diaz said cutting up her pancakes.

     "Oh, can we please go it sounds so fun!" Star said excitedly jumping out of her chair. Marco slouched in his seat as he speaks out the side of his mouth, "Yeah, no." "Please please Marco," Star begs to give Marco the puppy eyes.

"Ugh, fine let's go I guess," Marco said giving in smiling very lightly. "I won't be able to go with you two I have plans for today but I'll give you money to get in and for rides," Mrs.Diaz said collecting all the plates.

   "Well I guess get ready," Marco said, "We'll leave in an hour."

[One hour later]

     Star was excited to go to The Pier. She had finished getting ready twenty minutes ago but Marco was still getting ready. She was tapping her foot while sitting in her bed wait when she heard a knock at her door.

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