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     Marco awoke to the sound of knocking at his door. He opened up his eyes and found himself in a very unfamiliar room. It wasn't bad like a dungeon or cell, it was actually nice. The room was furnished with a... (This didn't matter to him though). He shot up out of bed running to the door as the person kept on knocking.

     Marco threw open the door ready to throw a punch at whoever was behind it. The second he went to throw it he got stopped by a strange-looking lizard man in a business suit. The lizard squeezed his hand making Marco howl out in pain.

     "Feisty still, aren't we," the lizard said as Marco looked at him in pure anger. "Who are you and where am I? You piece of shi-" Marco attempted to get up but the Lizard squeezed his hand again making Marco fall to his knees again. "Well this is no way to treat your gracious host," he said. Marco stayed quiet this time glaring at the thing in front if him. Waiting for the right moment to escape his grasp.

     "As you can see you are staying in a room in my humble abode," he said loosening the grip on Marco's hand for a split second. Immediately Marco jumped up to run past the nicely dressed lizard. He nearly made out the door but he felt something grab around his waist and throw him into the back wall.

     "But clearly you still need some realignment," the lizard said snapping his fingers. Marco's arm filled with pain as it started to transform back into the monster arm. Marco howled in pain as the monster arm started to yank him around the room hitting him against the wall multiple times.

     The lizard looked at the boy in pain one more time before turning to leave. "It is going to be an honor to be working with you," he said as he closed the door sliding a business card under the door with only one thing written on it.



     Star snapped awake trying to remember what happened. She was filing through what she did today struggling because of the major headache she had. She got up did her stretches, hair brushing, and got dressed. As she was getting dressed she heard a loud crash and then Marco calling her name.


"MARCO!" Star yelled as she shot up ignoring the pain she felt before. Frantically looking around the house in hopes what happened was just a dream.

    "Dear, what's wrong?" Star heard from the kitchen. "Uhh... Nothing," Star said back frantically. "Oh I thought I heard you looking for something," Angie said as she walked into the living room, "Oh, where's Marco? I thought he was with you."

    "Um, h-he's out right now. Yeah, he's out. Heh." Star said nervously. Angie eyed Star down suspiciously and then turned back to the kitchen, "Well okay. If you see him tell him we're having tacos today."

    "Yeah I'll do that...oh man I need to find Marco," Star said to herself. She grabbed her book and ran upstairs to start finding ways to find Marco.

---1 hour later---

     "Come on. Come on there's gotta be something in this dumb book," she said after slamming the book shut. 

     "Hey, I don't come in your house and start slamming your doors, now do I," Glossaryck said as he emerges from the book. (Gonna call him Glossy to save time)

     "Not now Glossaryck I need to find Marco. Oh, and why didn't you try to warn me at all about that spell?" Star said annoyed at the little blue man.

"What spell?"

"This one," Star said as she flipped to the page she was on before.

"Oooh, that spell. Yeah, that's a doozy," Glossy said staring at the page, "yeah I don't know."

"Well,  is there any way to reverse it?" Star said trying to get answers.

"Hmm, what do you have to offer?" 

"I'll give you as much pudding as you want! Just please hurry!" Star yelled.

While pointing a finger at Star, "I'll hold you to those words princess. Okay, let's see." 

     He starts scrolling through page after page looking randomly mumbling about how he forgot about that spell, how he'll use this one later, and then, "Aha this one," he said suddenly.

"Which one. Will it find Marco or fix his arm?" Star said excitedly looking at the book.

     "Nope it a spell about PUUUDING," he says as his mouth drips. As she covers he eyes in despair, "Oh I'll never find Marco,"

"And something about the blood moon."

     Star immediately looked up at the mention of the blood moon. She rushed to the book and pushes Glossy away.

     Where had she heard that before? It was at the tip of her tounge. Then it clicked. The night that Marco ruined that one ball with Thomas.

"Thomas," she whispered to herself.

It was a crazy idea but her only idea. So she grabbed the bell and the little hammer and rung it.

"Man I hope I don't regret this," she says to herself as a blazing portal opens in front of her.


     He didn't know how long it had been. He's been at the mercy of the accursed arm for who knows how long. He just wanted to stop. He was broken. As he was curled up in a ball he heard another knock.

     "Well, well, well. Are you having a grand time in here?" Toffee asks as he walks into the room The monster arm stops his abuse on his entering.

"Please make it stop. I'll do anything," Marco begs as he's down on his knees.

     "Anything you say. Those are some pretty big promises you are making Marco. I hope you can keep them," Toffee says with a conceited smile.

     "Well let's start with something simple," he says as he pulls out a glowing orb, "Just look into this orb for me."

As Marco stares into the curious-looking orb he starts to forget the pain he felt before and just felt... peace.

The last thing he saw was a blazing portal open up in the room and Star reaching out for him.


Well yeah... I'm still alive. How long has it been 1 year...2? My bad for leaving you on a cliffhanger (even though I did it again)  But I'm kinda back.

I'll try to finish this story and try to add a bit more stuff in between. Because looking back, man. Little lackluster. Or even maybe add more to the story. Not sure yet. Not sure if anyone is even reading this story anymore. But if you're out there
Thanks for sticking around for a year or more and I'll try to work on this more.

I had been so busy with school these past couple of years and with covid just kind of forgot about this story. But I hope everyone who reads this is healthy and stays that way.



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