Monster Arm

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[General POV]

     Marco woke up to the sound of his alarm going off. He quickly knocked it off his dresser turning it off. He went to roll over and go back to sleep but his eyes landed on his calendar.

Jeremy Match

    He immediately shot out of bed rushing to his closet to grab his uniform. He threw it into his duffel bag and went to rush down the stairs.

    He made it to the top of the stairs when a portal opened at his feet placing a pair of Star's shoes at his feet. Since the boy was rushing he didn't notice the pair and fell tumbling loud down the stairs. He went to try to catch himself with his hand but was welcomed with a loud crack.

"OW FU--" "MARCO DIAZ WATCH IT" he went to yell but was cut off by his mother in the kitchen. Marco looked up the stairs to find out what he tripped on. He saw Star's shoes at the top of the stair and immediately filled with anger.

"SSTTAAARR!!" he screamed at the top of his lungs. Star walked out of her room groggily rubbing her tired eyes. She was woken up by the sound of something falling (whatever that could be). After she heard Marco yell her name she got up to go see what he wanted. When she got to the top of the stairs she saw Marco holding his arm with pain and anger in his eyes.

     "Oh my god, what happened Marco?" Star said as she rushed to help him. "What do you mean what happened you left your shoes at the top of the stairs and I tripped and probably broke my arm. Now Jeremy is gonna think that I woosed out of the fight," Marco said back to her.

    Star still worried about her best friend looked up the stairs to see her shoes up there. "Weird I don't remember leaving those there," she whispered to herself but then finally speaking up, "don't worry Marco I'll find a spell that will heal you right up."

     Marco looked up at Star worried. "I don't know Star the last time you tried to help me with a spell you sucked my entire room into a portal," Marco said worried that his hand might explode or something. "Don't worry Marco I have been practicing a lot lately," Star said trying to reassure her best friend. She looked down to see Marco's face shiny bright with delight, and pain saying his arm is still broken, but mainly delight.

     "Then this is perfect you can fix my arm and I can go beat up Jeremy," Marco said fist-pumping his unbroken arm. "OK I'll be right back I'll go find that spell," Star said as she rushed up to her room to find her book of spells.

      She made it to her room opening the door to find her book of spells open onto a page with a picture of a bone being fixed. "Huh I don't remember leaving my book like this," she said to herself. She looked over the page to see what else it had to say but couldn't understand the language that was there. "As much as this is weird this looks like the perfect spell to fix Marco," she said as she grabbed the book and went back down the stairs to help Marco.

     When she got down the stairs she saw Marco wasn't there anymore and was sitting on their couch clearly in pain. The second he saw Star he quickly tried to hide his pain and act tough. Star saw right through and giggled a bit at Marco. "OK I found a spell to fix your arm," Star said as she placed the book on the coffee table.

     Marco looked at the page she was on to see lots of dark images on the page. He was about to question but decided against it knowing this was the only way he could fight Jeremy. "OK I'm ready," he said holding out his broken arm fighting the pain. Star looked one more time in the book to make sure she did this right.

    She picked up her wand and called out the spell.

"Releaseo Demonius Infestica"

     Marco was immediately surrounded by a purple light causing Star to cover her eyes. When the light finally faded Star looked at Marco and her jaw dropped.
Marco saw her reaction and was confused. "What's wrong St-" Marco was cut off when he felt something slimy wipe across his forehead. He looked over at his once broken arm and saw a giant purple tentacle.

     Marco and Star both started to panic. "Star hurry change it back, change it back," Marco cried out as Star went through her spell book looking for a spell. "I'm trying, I'm trying," she said. Suddenly Marco's brain filled with dark thoughts.

(Bold monster arm/italic Marco thoughts)

Use me, destroy your enemies.

Who are you and what are you doing in my head.

I am a part of you now nothing you do can get rid of me.

I'll just get Star to do a spell on you and you'll be gone off my body.

Sure you can try but I'm gonna make you do things that you never wanted.

Yeah, right I could stop you easily.

Yeah with what control I have control of your body.

Marco inside his head froze as he saw his tentacle lift up to smack Star. He tried to call out but had no control. In his head, he screamed out her name as loud as he could. He finally managed to squeak out, "Star".

     Star looked up at the sound of the name to see Marco his eyes all black tentacle ready to hit her. She quickly dove out the way as the tentacle crashed down breaking the coffee table.

    "Marco what are you doing," Star cried out to him. "There is no Marco anymore just me," the monster arm said speaking through Marco. Star rose her arm to cast a spell at evil Marco just to be smacked by the monster arm and thrown against the living room wall. Star laid there unconscious.

     "That deals with that," the monster arm said as a portal opened in the middle of the room. Evil Marco turned to see a monster walkout. "Boss has requested to see you," the monster said. "Yes of course let's get going," the monster arm said while inside real Marco was crying in his own personal torture chamber the last thing him seeing was Star's unconscious body as his body stepped through the portal.

I'm sorry you guys had to wait longer than usual for this chapter to come out. I'll try to update this story a bit more now that I have ideas starting to come back. I decided to make the monster arm a bigger role in this story. I say there is around 3 chapters left in this book. I'm really looking forward to writing Pen Pals. I might start a little early on it.

Welp here's the next chapter teaser.

After a spell went wrong leaves Star worried full of guilt over her best friend who had disappeared after the attack. Will she be able to save Marco and can Marco save himself before he hurts Star again?

-Next time in Friendship Shines Through

Till next time

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