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     Marco stomped off away from home and away from that crazy princess girl. "She just thinks she can come into my life and mess everything up," he muttered angrily as he made his way to his favorite store Stop & Slurp. He walked inside with one shoe and torn-up pants. He grabbed a drink and some chips and made his way to the counter.

     "That'll be $3.49," the clerk said in a tired voice since it was almost 9 P.M. Marco went to reach into his pocket when he stopped and felt nothing there. He slapped his forehead and grunted angrily. His wallet was in his the suckhole. He turned out and walked out of the store.

    "Hey, are you gon- whatever," the store clerk said giving up.

   When he walked out of the store he jumped when a voice startled him.


[10 Minutes earlier]

     Star was sitting in her room tired from all the unpacking she did. She felt horrible the entire time though. Marco still hadn't come back after she opened a suck portal in his room. She had already fixed his room while he was gone. She started to get worried.

    "I need to talk to him," Star said to herself. She made her way downstairs to see Mrs.Diaz sitting on the couch watching some weird box thing(TV). "Oh hey dear, you all settled?" Mrs.Diaz asked when she saw Star on the stairs.

     "Oh, um yeah I'm done unpacking," Star said heading to the door. "Where are you going?" Mrs.Diaz asked looking up again. "I need to find Marco, I need to talk to him," Star said a bit sadly. "Well good luck. You might find him down the street at the Stop&Slurp," Mrs.Diaz said to Star. "Thank you," Star said as she closed the door to go find Marco.

[At the Stop&Slurp]

   Star ran up to the store when she saw Marco walking out

"Hey," she said in an exhausted voice.

      She saw Marco jump at the sound of her voice and get in some sort of weird fighting stance. She raised her wand and fixed his clothes for him which made him put his arms up in defense even more.

     "What are you doing here," he said coldly with a hardened expression on his face. "Look I didn't choose to come here and you didn't choose to have to deal with me," Star said looking down. Marco's expression softened. "I'll just look for another family to stay with or just go back to Mewni," she finished looking up.

     She saw Marco's face looking a bit sad but then changed to a look of fear as he looked behind her.

"P-princess," he stuttered pointing behind her.

    Star turned around to see a big group of monsters with a small birdman in the middle. "Star Butterfly I've finally found you," he growled at her. "How did you find me, Ludo?" Star asked raising her wand in battle. "That's none of your business, CHARGE," he yelled to his monster army, "and get me that wand." 

     Star was just about to cast a spell on the first monster coming at her when Marco jumped in front of her and did a right hook onto the monster knocking him out. "Woah," Star said staring at Marco. "Princess snap out of it we have some monster butt to beat," Marco said knocking out another two monsters.

     Star looked back at the monsters gaining focus and cast a spell on the three monsters in front of her. "Cupcake Blast," she yelled knocking the monsters down in front of her.

[Time Skip to after the monsters are beaten]

      "Back to the portal you losers," Ludo said smacking each one of them in the back of the head with his staff, "can't even beat a little girl and boy. I'll get you next time Star Butterfly," he said closing the portal behind him. 

     "You were amazing Marco," Star said happily jumping up and down. "Not so bad yourself princess," Marco said slightly blushing hoping she couldn't see it in the dark. She looked kind of cute when she was happy like this. 

     "Well I guess I'll get going since you don't want me around anymore," Star said unhappily turning around to walk away. "Wait," she heard behind her as she felt a hand on her shoulder turning her around. "Don't go. You can stay with us, we just got started on a bad foot," Marco said with his hand on the back of his head not making eye contact, "let's go home and watch a movie and forget about today." 

     Star's face immediately lit up. "Thank you, thank you, thank you,"Star said happily as she ran up to hug him. Marco froze startled by the embrace but slowly accepted it returning the hug. "But don't think that I like you now," he said breaking the embrace. "Well I still don't like you either," Star said in a clear joking voice. "Whatever," Marco said rolling his eyes, "Let's go home."

[Time Skip to back at the house]

      Star and Marco got home to a quiet house. His mom and dad were already upstairs asleep. "You choose a movie and I'll make some snacks," Marco said pointing to the stack of movie discs on the TV stand. Marco walked into the kitchen as Star kneeled down to look through the disks. She finally picked one that had a dinosaur on it thinking it looked interesting. As she picked it up Marco walked back in with a plate of nachos.

     "So you pick a movie yet," Marco said placing the plate down on the coffee table. "Yeah, this one," Star said handing him the movie disc. "Jurassic Park, nice choice," he said as he places the movie on the DVD player.  She was fascinated when she saw him put it in a box thing and that it started to play on the rectangle in front of her. She plopped down onto the couch excited to watch the movie. 

     As the movie started Marco offered Star one of the nachos he made. Star looked at it hesitantly. She didn't like how it looked all triangle and covered in yellow goop. "Just eat it, it's good," Marco said shoveling a handful into his mouth. Star took a nibble and immediately ate the whole thing. "These are so good!" she squealed as she grabbed more. She turned her attention back to the movie since it just began. 

[Time skip to end of the movie]

     Marco clicked off the TV when the movie finished stuffed from the nachos. "So how was the mov-" he stopped looking down at Star. She fell asleep on his shoulder towards the end of the movie and he didn't realize. He froze, not know what to do, then smiled deciding to pick her up to carry her to bed. He swooped her up and headed up the stairs.

    He smiled thinking back to the movie. In the beginning, every time a dinosaur roared Star squeaked and held onto his arm, with him laughing every time. But as the movie went on she started to enjoy the roars.  

    He finally made it to Star's room and opened the door. He walked to her bed placing her in it. he tucked her in and headed out the room. "She looked cute when she's asleep," he thought to himself. Just before he closed the door he whispered into the room, "Goodnight princess," and shut the door. 

Star still in the midst of her sleep, smiled.

 "Goodnight Marco."

Ok chapter done. I felt like could have done this quicker but was busy in class so had little time. But whatever.

Thank you to the few readers reading this it means a lot.

With Star and Marco finally made up they decide to go have some fun. But will there feelings cause drama?-Next time in "The Pier"


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