If You're in, I'm Out

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After School 

     Marco was making his way back home. He hurried to get out of school to avoid further punishment from Principal Skeeves. He was happy to get home to sleep or maybe work out a bit before dinner.  

    He got out his keys to unlock the door. He walked into his house his mom was already home from work but his dad usually came in later.

     "Mom I'm home," he yelled into the kitchen. His mom peeked her head from around the corner with her apron on and small beads of sweat on her forehead from cooking. "Hi sweetie, how was your day at school?" she asked.

   "It was good," he said as he went to hug his mom. Even though he was a bad boy at school he could never be rude to his parents. "I'll be in my room if you need me," he said as he headed up the stairs.

     For some reason unknown, he decided to look into the guest room. He saw everything was clean and dusted even the bed was made. He was confused about this sight but shrugged it off closing the door.

     He opened the door to his room. Clothes everywhere, a punching bag in the corner, a messy bed, and the sweaty boy smell he got used to in there. Just the way he liked it...but not how his past self like it...

    He took off his clothes and changed into his workout clothes, shorts, and tank top. And started punching his punching bag for 10 minutes. After he was done he decided to go to sleep and crashed into his bed and passed out.

[Time Skip 20 minutes later]

     Star had to spend an extra 10 min at school since he was late to most of her classes that day and needed to get the work they assigned. After getting everything she need she headed out of school. After be lost again for another 10 minutes she finally made it to the address she would be staying at for her time on Earth.

    She knocked on the door waiting for it to open. "COMING," she heard from the other side of the door. The door opened to a woman with an apron in her hands and sweating a bit on her face.

     "Hello dear, I'm guessing you're the new foreign exchange student staying with us, right?" she asked warmly. "Yes, I am Star Butterfly, nice to meet you," Star responded with a curtsy. "I'm Mrs.Diaz, come on in and take a seat. I'll have you meet my son and he can help you with your luggage," Mrs.Diaz said.

      Star wondered as she walked in why Diaz seemed to ring a bell but she couldn't put a finger on it. "SON COME DOWN HERE I WANT YOU TO MEET SOMEONE," Mrs. Diaz yelled up the stairs. Star took a seat on the couch and waited patiently. Taking the beautiful home. Not Mewni castle beautiful but beautiful non the less. "Mrs. Diaz's son must be nice," Star thought to herself. but she could shake the feeling that she heard the name before. 


     Marco woke up to yelling from downstairs. "SON COME DOWN HERE I WANT YOU TO MEET SOMEONE," he heard his mother yell. He rolled out of bed with a grunt and threw on his day clothes before heading downstairs. As he looked into his living room he couldn't believe what he saw.

     "What are you doing here," he asked voice slightly cracking. As he saw that weird princess girl sitting in his living room. Star snapped her head up when she heard his voice. "What are you doing here," she challenged. "Um... I live here," Marco responded confused by the question. His mom popped her head into the room saying, "Oh Marco I see you have met the new foreign exchange student that is staying with us. 

     "WHAT," Marco yelled. "Marco Ubaldo Diaz no yelling in this house," his mom snapped back at him. "Ugh fine I'm going back to my room," he complained turning around to stomp off up the stairs but his mother stopped him, "You are gonna show Star her room and help her with her luggage." Marco rolled his eyes and said, "Come on princess," as he went to pick up her luggage. He grunted when he lifted it up, "Geez, what do you have in here bricks," he said as he slowly carried it up to the guest room.

     Star got up off the couch and followed Marco up the stairs into the guest bedroom. As she walked into the room she a nice clean room with a made bed and a drawer and closet to put her clothes in. "I can work with this," she whispered to herself. "What was that, princess?" Marco asked as he put down the chest with a loud thud. "Why do you keep calling me that?" Star asked annoyed. "Well, you certainly act and look like one so whatever," Marco responded, "Well I'm going to my room." Marco turned on his heel, walked out, and closed the door. 

     The second the door closed Star looked around and grabbed her wand from her pocket. She hadn't done this kind of magic since she got her wand but wanted to give it a try. "Sparkle Glitter Bomb Expand," she yelled as she spun around putting her wand into the air. 

    "Now that's more like it," she said as she looked around her room. It was just like her room in Mewni. Tall three stories, balcony on the second floor with diamond markings in the roof. She started to unpack her items to store them.


     Marco closed the door and sighed,"What a weird gi-" He stopped as he heard Star yell from the other side of the door. He quickly turned around and opened the door slowly. "Princess you goo-" His jaw dropped to the floor. The room he just left was not the room he came into. He slowly looked at the princess in awe and bewilderment. "Uh I- I can explain," she said quickly.

     "Who are you?" he asked very accusingly, "And whatever you did in here can you do to my room?" With a sound of slight excitement in his voice. "Well I am a magical princess from the kingdom of Mewni," she answered. "So you are actually a princess?" he asked. "Yes, as in doing this to your room I'm not sure," she hesitantly replied. "Please," Marco practically begged. "Fine let's go," Star replied heading to Marco's room. 

     As Marco opened the door with Star right behind them Star felt like she got smacked in the face with an old dirty sock. Marco's room was a mess she didn't know a room could be that messy...or smelly. "Well, here we go," Star said readying her wand. Marco staring at her like how a five-year-old stares at a new toy at a toy store. "Mystic Room Suck Transform," Star yelled as she made the same pose as in the one in her room.

      Suddenly a black hole opened up in the middle of Marco's room sucking everything into it. Marco held onto his door frame reaching for the door to close it. He pulled it shut pulling Star through at the same time. "Why was suck in that spell or whatever it is!?" he yelled at her throwing his arms up. His clothes were tattered but somehow Star's were perfectly fine.

     "I don't know it just kind of came out that way," Star said trying to reassure him. "Well, I had enough. If you're moving in I'm moving out," Marco said as he jumped out the window. "And don't follow me," he yelled up to the window. Star ran up to the window going back and forth wondering if she should say sorry, help him or just leave him alone. She decided to give him some space to let him cool down. 

"I hope he will be OK," Star muttered to herself.

Two chapters are done for Halloween night. Once I get the character introductions and all that done I can start to try to do holiday specials.

The next part should come out tomorrow after I get back from school

Will Marco running away cause Star to have to move to a new family or will danger come to cause them to fight together. Next Time in "Monsters"


🎃Happy Halloween🎃

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