Marco and the New Girl

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     Star ran out of the principal's office looking for the boy that had stormed off.

     As she was walking around she slipped on a loose tile on the floor. She started to fall back as she struggled to keep her balance.

     "Aahh-" she screamed as she suddenly stopped. She realized someone caught her.

     She looked up to see Marco holding her from falling. She saw that he had a scar on his face with a bandaid on one of his cheeks. "He probably gets in fights," she thinks to herself She stared into his big brown eyes going into a sort of trance.

      "Take a picture it will last longer," he said breaking out her trance. She snapped at him saying, "Put me down right now." Crossing her arms and looking away. Slightly Blushing.

      He put her down (not so gently). "Come on princess, I don't have all day," he said in an annoyed voice. Speeding off in the opposite direction. Star had to almost run to keep up to his pace. He was quietly thinking to himself of how the girl had a somewhat pretty face.
     He quickly drove the thoughts out. "I have a girlfriend" he muttered to himself.

     "What was that?" he heard behind him. "Nothing..." he stopped and started pointing in random directions. "There's the science, math, language arts, blah blah blah... And there is your tour," he said as he clapped his hands together, "hope to see you never, princess." Starting to walk off till he felt something grab his sleeve. "You wait just a moment," Star snapped at him.

     Marco turned around with anger in his eyes. When Star saw she stepped back a bit but quickly got her stance. "You a being a jerk right now. You barely explained where anything is. You could at least show me, my next class," holding her schedule out in front of her with the sound of obvious annoyance.

     "You listen here, princess," he said as he snatched her schedule from her. "I'm not here to be your little friend. So just keep yourself and your princess dress away from me. It over there," he pointed to a classroom door.

     He went to hand her the paper but just before she grabbed it he dropped it turning around to say "oops," in a sarcastic voice.

    The bell rang signaling the next class as Marco walked away from her.

      "Well I didn't want to be your friend anyway," she yelled back holding back tears. She bent over to pick up the paper. "Today is just great," she whispered to herself walking to her next class.

[Time Skip to lunch]

     Marco walked into the crowded cafeteria making his way to the food line. People getting out of his way as if not to anger him. It pleased Marco the way people acted around him.

    Marco hasn't always been this school bad boy. He used to be the 'safe kid'. He had only two friends, was a nerd, and would be overly safe. People used to see him as a target for bullying. After being bullied for years he finally snapped. He started taking boxing classes, skipping school. This straight-A student started failing classes. But one thing got better. People were scared of him.     

He no longer got bullied. He became the bully.

    He made his way to his usual lunch table finishing up his thoughts. He saw Oskar, Janna, and his beautiful girlfriend Jackie waiting for him.

      "Hey guys," Marco said sitting down next to Jackie wrapping his arm around her. "So what did Principal Skeeves want?", Oskar asked. "Nothing he just wanted me to give a tour to some stupid preppy foreign exchange student," Marco said taking a bite out of his sandwich. Marco kept eating as his other three friends talked about other things. 


     Star walked into the heavily crowded lunchroom trying to find a place to sit. She already had her food but had nowhere to go. She was walking around aimlessly thinking about how horrible today has been. First, she met the jerk of a boy Michael or something she couldn't remember his actual name. Then she was late for all her classes because she had no idea where to go. The boy's explanation was horrible. She was late for lunch so had nowhere to sit. 

     Her head was down so she wasn't watching where she was going and ran right into someone dropping some of their food. "Yo, what the heck you just got sandwich all over my new shirt!!", the big boy yelled. "Oh my gosh, I am so so sorry I wasn't watching where I was going," Star said quickly picking up the dropped tray. "Oh you better be sorry," he said as he winded up his fist. Star looked up with scared eyes and closed them waiting for the impact. 


   Star snapped her eyes open to see the big boy on the ground knocked out. She looked up to see Micheal... no no Marco standing over the unconscious boy. Marco looked up at Star and asked, "You OK?" Star just stared still shocked by what happened.

     "Hello, Earth to princess?" Marco said as he waved his hand in front of her face. Star blushed a slight tint of pink. "uh, y-yeah I'm ok," she said quietly. "Well you need to watch where you are going," Marco said as he turned around to walk back to his table. "T-thank you," Star called out to him. Marco without turning around just threw up the ok hand and sat back down not even glancing at her.

    "Maybe it won't be that bad," Star thought to herself while still looking in Marco's direction. 

Welp this took all day because I could only work on this in-between classes. Once this weekend comes around I might able to get a lot of parts out.

Happy Halloween everyone🎃🎃

Next Time: Will Star moving in push Marco over the edge. Or will it bring them together? Find out in "If you're in, I'm out"


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