The New Girl

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A/N note at bottom.

Butterfly Castle/Mewni

It was early morning in the kingdom of Mewni. Bright day, birds chasing each other around in the trees, servants and cooks getting ready for the day, and the citizens down below bustling around. The sun was shining in through the open window, lighting up the room with morning light, with a slight fall breeze blowing the curtains around. Suddenly there came a soft knock at the door.

"Time to get up your highness, you need to get ready today is a busy day", whispered from the slightly ajar door.

Star Butterfly woke up and opened up her eyes in her perfectly kept bed. Her hair was just in the way she left it when she fell asleep. Getting up out of her barely wrinkled bed and she started to get ready for the day. After her morning stretches she went to her bathroom to take a nice warm bath already prepared by her servants. While relaxing in the warm, soapy water, her mind started to wander.

She wasn't always this perfect princess she was now. She used to be an adventurous, risk-taking, and trouble-making girl. Fighting every monster she could find. But after she accidentally set fire to the royal kitchen when she was 9. Her parents sent her to her worst nightmare... St. Olga's School for Wayward Princesses.

She spent 4 years of her life in that prison slowly driving away that once risk-taking girl becoming the perfect stamp mold princess everyone wanted her to be. She knew now that she could never go back to the version of her. She needed to be the best princess she could be.

She lifted herself out of the bath to start drying herself off. She put on her big poofy blue dress. It had big poofy shoulders and had small pink crystals along the hem of the dress.

This dress was mainly only for Balls and special occasions. Which today was...

[Time Skip to after she was finished getting ready]

Star made her way down the spiral staircase that led to the royal dining room. Where her mother and father were waiting.

She paused when she reached the railing. Normally in the past, she would have ridden on top of the railing to land right near her seat but she was no longer like that. She looked away and started her graceful descent. Perfect posture head up high just like the perfect princess she was.

She sat down in her seat with her mother on her left and father on her right.

"Morning Father", looking at him then turning her head towards her mother,"Morning Mother".

"Morning deary," said her father in response with her mother immediately after with "Morning my star."

She looked down at her breakfast and saw something strange. She saw a weird circular bread disc covered in some sort of sauce. She looked up to her parents with a slight face of confusion.

"What are these...things Mother?", Star asked in confusion. "They are called pancakes, dear. We just thought we should try to get you used to the food you would be eating when you leave." her mother responded. Star widened her eyes at her mother's response but quickly fixed back to her emotionless face.

"W-What do you mean?", she stammered, still keeping her calm tone. "Well as you know today is your 14th birthday." Her Father responded.

This was the reason why Star dressed up today. Today was the day she was gonna receive the royal family heirloom... The magic wand.

"We want to make you sure you are safe when training. So we decided to send you somewhere safer." said her mother, breaking her out her thoughts.

."....where are you sending me?", Star asked hesitantly.

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