The Blood Moon Ball

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      I'm sorry for the little break. School and after-school activities made it hard to update this book. Well, here Blood Moon Ball. It takes place right after The Pier. I'm also gonna try the pov writing tell me if you like that or the normal way.

      Star shut the door to her room and plopped onto her bed. "Why do I feel this way?" she said as shethrew her face into her pillow. "It's not like I like him, he is just kind of cute. But I think a lot of things are cute," she quietly said. "Whatever I just need sleep."

      She drifted off to sleep with the day's events replaying in her head.

[One hour later]

     Star was fast asleep. Her mouth was gaped open drool dripping on her pillow. "She looks cute as ever. Soon you will be mine," a voice said from her bedside. It reached out to wake up the sleeping princess.

      Star woke up groggily seeing a shadowed figure at her side. "Marco...?" Her eyes widened when she realized it wasn't Marco at her side.

"Hello, Starship..."

     Marco came back from hanging out with Jackie. He loves hanging out with her, but throughout the whole time he felt kind of bad leaving the princess behind. So he left early to check on Star . He didn't know why he wanted to . He didn't care about her...right?

     She was cute but she was all preppy and he already had a girlfriend. But he still felt bad. "Might as well say sorry," he said heading upstairs. Marco made it to her door and was about to knock when I heard voices on the other side of the door.

    "NO! I'll never go with you," he heard Star yell from the other side of the door.
Oh no she's in trouble. Might be the little bird dude again he thought to himself. He got a running start and busted open the door. "You stay away from her," Marco said getting in a fighting stance. He froze when he looked inside...
[Couple minutes earlier]

"Hello Starship," Star heard next to her bed.

     Star shot up out of my bed immediately. "TOM!," she yelled then changing to a  whisper, "what are you doing here? I thought I told you to stay away from me." She crossed her arms in anger. "But Starship tonight is the Blood Moon Ball it only comes every couple hundred years," Tom said trying to convince her.

     "Tom we broke up I don't want to deal with you anymore," Star said turning her head away. "So take you and your weird flying demon carriage and go home."

     I'm not leaving till you say yes," Tom said smirking. "NO! I'll never go with you," she yelled at him. Star turned her head towards the door as it came crashing down. "You stay away from her," Marco yelled.

    Star looked at Marco with slightly sad eyes but stopped when she felt it get warm in the room. "Who do you think you are interrupting me and Star's conversation," Tom roared fire surrounding him. "Oh you think you are so tough just because you have a fire we'll bring it on," Marco yelled running at him.

     Star saw the events about to unfold. "BOTH OF YOU STOP," she yelled at the top of her lungs. Both of the boys froze. "Whatever Tom I'll go with you," she said pointing at him," but this isn't a date."

     Tom dropped down from his fire pillar bringing his hands together. "Wonderful. The ball is at 9 just ring this bell for when you are ready," he said as he handed me a bell and hammer. Marco glared the entire time. "See you there... Starship," Tom said as he descended down below.

     "Who the heck was that princess?" Marco questioned me immediately. She stared him down with annoyance. "That doesn't matter what do you think just barging in my room like that and trying to fight," Star snapped at him.

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