Truth Or Dare: The Villains

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Requested by and dedicated to Deacon08

Morrowseer: What are we doing here?

Me: You, Blister, Burn, Scarlet, and Darkstalker are going to play Truth or Dare! :D

Blister: *glares at Burn* Oh, joy.

Burn: *snorts* I'm not too happy either!

Me: Enjoooy! *poofs away*

*awkward silence between two SandWings, a SkyWing, and two NightWings*

Morrowseer: Well... Blister, truth or dare?

Blister: *scowls* Truth.

Morrowseer: *smiles* Do you like me.

Blister: Ew, no way.  You're just a pawn in my quest for the SandWing throne.

Morrowseer: *heartbroken*

Blister: Burn?

Burn: Dare! Bring it on, scum!

Blister: I dare you to wear this as a necklace.  *holds up a dragonbite viper*

Burn: *shrieks* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! *runs away*

Blister: Whatever.  *puts the snake down*

*another awkward silence*

Blister: Oh, right.  Burn isn't here.  Well... Darkstalker, truth or dare?

Darkstalker: Truth.

Blister: Why did you murder your father? Why not get another dragon to do your dirty work? That's always a good tactic.

Darkstalker: Well, I didn't think anyone else -- AHEM, best-friends-turned-enemies-Fathom-and-Clearsight -- would help me, so I just did it myself.  It was so satisfying, the sound of tearing flesh and crushed organs!! MWAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAAAAA *maniacal laugh*

Other villains: O_O

Darkstalker: *clears throat uncomfortably* Ehem.  Scarlet?

Scarlet: This'll be tHriLLiNg.... dare.

Darkstalker: Okay... I dare you to meet this little guy.  *pulls out Sky*

Sky: Wow! A Queen! Do you like turtles? They're so cute!!! :DDD

Scarlet: Get this freak out of my sight!

Sky: *cries* :(((

Wren: HOW DARE YOU!? *stabs Scarlet's tail, hops on Sky's back, and they fly off*

Scarlet: *growls* GRRRRR... *pulls the sword out of her tail* Ouch...

Darkstalker: *chuckles*

Scarlet: *glares at him* Anyways... Morrowseer, truth or dare?

Morrowseer: Truth.

Scarlet: Are you aware that you have a daughter?

Morrowseer: A daughter?! No, I didn't know that.  Hopefully she's just as perfect as the rest of the NightWings! We are natural leaders, after all.  *smiles smugly*

Darkstalker: Can't help but agree with ya.

Blister: *stabs them both with her tail*

Darkstalker/Morrowseer: *dead*

Scarlet: I thought you didn't like doing your own dirty work.

Blister: *examines her bloody tail* That was a really satisfying exception.  Besides, I killed Kestrel the same way.

Kestrel: *glares*

Scarlet: *stands up* I guess this concludes the Truth or Dare.  Until next time, evildoers.  *flies off*

Blister: *looks down at Darkstalker and Morrowseers' dead bodies* So long, pesky NightWings.  *flies away*

Burn: *hiding under a random table, still traumatized by the dragonbite viper*

I enjoyed writing this more than I really should've XD

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