Baby Kinkajou

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As if their previous day of school wasn't weird enough, the Jade Winglet was met with another strange surprise -- a tiny yellow and pink RainWing sitting on Kinkajou's hammock in their dorm.

"Aww!" Moon squealed, immediately rushing forward and giving the dragonet a hug.

"What... what is a baby dragonet doing here?" Winter asked.

"It looks like Kinkajou," Qibli noted, walking over and taking the dragonet from Moon.

"What if... it IS Kinkajou?" Moon gasped.

"Nonsense.  The only way for that to happen would be... animus magic!" Winter turned to glare at Turtle, who shrank back.  "Don't try to deny it!"

"It wasn't me this time! I swear!" Turtle protested.

"Hmm..." Winter seemed skeptical.

"However it happened, we can't deny that she's adorable," Moon said, taking baby Kinkajou from Qibli's claws.  The RainWing dragonet squealed happily, and Moon 'awed'.

"Don't forget, we have school to do," Turtle pointed out.

"Riiiight," Qibli nodded, grabbing a few scrolls he'd been reading from to study.  "I think we've got Art first today, cool."

The Jade Winglet headed to the Art room, Moon carrying the small Kinkajou on her back.  "Hey, Jou-Jou!" Moon said to the dragonet.  "How would you like to do some painting!"

"Paint!" the RainWing agreed -- the first word she'd spoken to them.

"Well, I guess she's at least old enough to talk," Winter declared.  "So... probably at least 2 moons."

"I'm sure she'll enjoy this class," Moon added. 

Once the Jade Winglet reached the Art cave, Moon set baby Kinkajou down on the floor, walking over and grabbing a sketchpad.  "Wanna learn how to draw, Jou?" she asked.

"Draw!" the dragonet squeaked.

Turtle, Winter, and Qibli each began to work on their own separate projects.  Turtle drew a rough sketch of a dragon -- he was planning to draw himself holding the little Kinkajou.  She's even cuter as a baby, Turtle thought, then immediately questioned himself.  Wait... is that pedophilia? I'm not a pervert! I can't love her, not as a dragonet! Who knows how long her baby form will last?! Still... it wouldn't hurt to just draw a cute drawing.  Not a love drawing.

Winter was busy with a sketch of a dragon as well -- although it was going to be a picture of himself and Moon, sitting together and talking.   He glanced over at Moon, to study her features more, and noticed that baby Kinkajou had joined in their fun: the dragonet's front claws were covered in paint, and she was walking around on an easel that Moon had placed on the floor, creating a "painting".  Despite his haughty exterior, Winter couldn't help but crack a smile.  Who knew his winglet-mate could be so cute?

"Hey, guys! There you are!" a voice greeted from the doorway.  Moon, Qibli, Winter, Turtle, and baby Kinkajou looked up from their artworks to see Peril, their fiery SkyWing friend.

"Hi Peril," Turtle was the first to speak up.  "Wanna join us? We have Art class right now."

"Although, to be honest, it's not much of a class... just a free-for-all paint session," Qibli noted, seeing the lack of teachers around them.

"I'd love to, but..." Peril held up a sheet of paper, watching as it crumbled to dust in her claws.  "Can't."  Suddenly, her eyes fell on Kinkajou.  "Wait, they teach baby dragonets here, too?"

"Not exactly... we think this is Kinkajou, as a dragonet," Turtle replied. 

"Isn't she the cutest?!" Moon picked Kinkajou up.  "Cuter than usual, at least."

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