(Blicket/Lunatail/Sunlow) Afterwards...

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(A/N: I'm so sorry I haven't updated this book in forever! It really needs more love, especially with A Dangerous Gift coming out in a few months...)

AU Where Lady Jewel is now Queen of the Hives and Pantala is peaceful. :)

"Mom, can I play tag with Cyan and Shimmer?" Dragonfly asked.  Cricket smiled down at the small, blue-and-yellow dragonet.  "Of course, dear." "Yay!" Dragonfly happily buzzed off towards her cousins, who were playing tag in a field nearby. 

As Cricket watched her daughter go, a voice spoke from behind her.  "They grow up so fast." Cricket turned and found her husband, Blue.  "Indeed they do," Cricket replied, chuckling.  As the couple chatted, another group flew over and joined them.  "Hey guys," Swordtail greeted.  "Hi Swordtail, hi Luna," Blue replied.  "How has the silk-weaving industry been?" Cricket asked.  "It's been doing great!" Swordtail said, excitement creeping into his voice.  "Luna and I, along with a couple of other SilkWings, have been working on a huge tapestry celebrating the unification of Pyrrhia and Pantala." "It's really cool so far," Luna added, buzzing over.  "That's great news," Blue said happily.  

As the SilkWings and HiveWing were conversing, two familiar LeafWings walked over, followed by a young HiveWing.  "Aunt Cricket! Uncle Blue!!" the HiveWing dragonet cheered.  "Hello, Bumblebee!" Cricket greeted, wrapping the dragonet in a hug.  "How has school been?" Blue asked.  "School is fun, Uncle Blue! I made friends with a SeaWing dragonet named Auklet -- she's a little bit older than me," Bumblebee said.  "That's great, dearie," Cricket replied, smiling at the HiveWing's enthusiasm.  She looked over at Sundew and Willow.  "How have you two been?"

"Great!" Willow replied.  She and Sundew had made their relationship official several years ago, and despite Belladonna's protests, Sundew hadn't married Mandrake as planned -- she'd married Willow.  The lesbian LeafWings had adopted Bumblebee, and had helped form a new alliance between the "Sap" and "Poison" Wings.  They resided in a large, open village in the jungle, but often payed visits to Blue, Cricket, Luna, and Swordtail in the Hives. 

"Hey Aunt Sundew, Aunt Willow!" Cyan, Swordtail and Luna's son, said as he bounded over.  True to his name, the young SilkWing was a dark shade of teal, with a caterpillar green belly resembling his mother's scales. "Hello, Cyan," Willow waved.  "Has your dad been staying out of trouble?" Sundew asked jokingly.  "I'm right here, you know!" Swordtail spoke up accusingly, standing nearby.  Blue and Cricket chuckled at their friends' antics. 

"Uncle Swordtail was a rebel?" Dragonfly (Blue and Cricket's daughter, in case you forgot) walked over with Shimmer, Luna and Swordtail's daughter.  She was a year younger than her brother, with the same green scales as her mother, dappled with orange and blue scales.

"Oh yeah," Blue chuckled at the memory.  "He was always getting sent to Misbehaver's Way -- a sort of public prison, where dragons were paralyzed temporarily and put on display." The SilkWing's smile faded, and he shuddered.  "We used to go there for field trips.... not the best experience for young SilkWing minds." "I'm glad that's been banned," Cricket agreed.  "It was weird." "Yikes," Cyan, Shimmer, and Dragonfly said. 

"Hey, guys," Luna spoke up.  "I'm getting kind of tired of standing around like lazy banana slugs.  Why don't we go to a flight?" "With the kids?" Sundew asked.  "Yeah!! Can we come?" Dragonfly asked eagerly.  "Pleaaase?" Cyan and Shimmer asked in unison.  "I don't see why not," Blue shrugged.  "Let's go, everyone!"

And so, with Luna in the lead, the Pantalan Heroes and their children took to the skies, soaring into a new day.

^ Wow, that's more sappy than a SapWing lol

Hope you enjoyed this update! Sorry it took so long to make, but it's here now! :D

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