Glorybringer Story: Part 5

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Okay, I'm SO sorry I've been kinda neglecting this and leaving you all on a HUGE cliffhanger.  But here's the fifth and final part!

"She's your daughter," Glory repeated.  "I hid her egg on the forest floor, not wanting any drama over who the parents--specifically, the father--were."

Deathbringer looked down at Pomegranate.  He'd raised this dragonet for the two moons (six years in human equivalent) she'd been alive, and all along she'd been his daughter.  "Daddy!" Pomegranate squealed, leaping into Deathbringer's claws.  He hugged her close, then studied her features.  She didn't resemble a NightWing that much... although, her tail wasn't curled up like a RainWings, and she didn't seem to have extra-long venom fangs, just normal sharp teeth. 

Glory stomped on his tail, ruining the moment and causing him to yelp.  The RainWing queen eyed her bodyguard with narrowed eyes.  "Okay... I kinda deserve that for raising her alone..." Deathbringer said grudgingly.  "You do.  And also for that time you covered me in smashed bananas IN MY SLEEP." Pomegranate giggled, and Glory nuzzled Deathbringer's neck gently.  "I love you," she said, quietly.  "You too," Deathbringer wrapped a wing around his mate, and they sat for a minute, enjoying their united family.

Again, I sincerely apologize to you for the super long wait.  I was trying to think of how to satisfyingly end this story, and then the emos sucked me into their bandoms so... I guess you can say I got lost in Cape Town (most of you won't understand that reference but maybe some of you will??). I'm still a big WoF fan though, otherwise I wouldn't have bothered to update!


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