Pie Eating Contest

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Riptide: Weeelcome, ladies and gentledragons, to Pyrrhia's First Annual...

Kinkajou: *snatches the mic* PIE EATING CONTEST!!

Riptide: *gently wrestles the mic out of Kinkajou's claws* Well, yes... it's the first annual pie eating contest.  Sponsored by Queen Moorhen and her royal siblings.

Kinkajou: You know, one of my friends is in this contest!

Riptide, trying not to let his annoyance show: Who?

Kinkajou: Turtle.

Turtle: *looks over* I thought we were more than friends?

Kinkajou: Yeah, but the world doesn't know that yet! *turns back to the camera* Oh moons, did I say that ON LIVE TV?!

Riptide: Well, logically, we don't HAVE TVs.  Or cameras.  But here we are.  And yes, you did.

Kinkajou: *slinks off, embarrassed*

Riptide: Anyways, as you heard from Kinkajou, one of the contestants is our very own Prince Turtle! The other contestants are as follows.  The MudWing Dragonet of Destiny, Clay; the FALSE MudWing Dragonet of Destiny, Ochre; and... actually, that's it.

Ochre: *camera zooms over to him* Hey, can we get this started? I have a Steak Eating Contest at noon.

Riptide: *steps into camera view* Oh.  Okay, certainly! Chefs! Please bring out the pies!

*Several Pyrrhian dragons bring out different pies of all flavors*

Riptide: Ooh... delectable! Eaters, are you ready?

Turtle: "Eaters"? Uh, don't you mean contestants?

Riptide: Oh yeah, the word slipped my mind.  Ahem.  CONTESTANTS, are you ready?

Clay: Aye aye captain!

Ochre: Of course, let's goooooo!!

Turtle: *mutters* Oh gosh why am I here- *speaks* Yep!

Riptide: Great! 3, 2, 1... go!!

Clay and Ochre: *shovel whole pies in their mouths*

Turtle: *cuts a slice from a pie and eats slowly*


Riptide: Err... I'm not one to judge -- I'm just the announcer -- but maybe you should speed up?

Turtle: But isn't being slow what turtles do? *finishes his slice finally, cuts another one*

Clay and Ochre:  *still going strong and shoveling pies into their mouths*

Kinkajou: *jumps in front of the camera* GO GO GO TURTLE!! WOOOOOOO!!!!

Riptide: *gently pushes her away* Whoa, looks like one of our viewers is getting excited.  To be honest, I'm not so sure.  We'll see, ladies and gents.

Clay: *mouth full* An' all 'hose in be'ween!

Riptide: ...whatever you said, I'm sure it was meaningful.  Anyways... it looks like, according to our tallies, Ochre has eaten six pies.  Clay has scarfed down five, and Turtle... is still on his first.

Turtle: *has only eaten half of a pie*

Riptide: But what's this? Ochre is looking queasy!

Ochre: No, no, I'm just... saving room... for the steaks later. *eats another slice*

Clay: *stops eating* You sure you're okay?

Ochre: *gulps down slice* Fine...

Clay: Alriiight. *continues eating*

Turtle: *eats another slice, slowly*

Ochre: *gags and steps back* I can't take it anymore... I'm gonna- *throws up*

Riptide: *shields camera from it* Eewww,nasty! At least we're outside.  Anyways, that means Ochre is out of the competition!

Ochre: *flies off to Steak Eating competition*

Riptide: Now, Clay... Clay? You good?

Clay: Mhm! *still eating happily*

Riptide: And of course Turtle is doing well.

Turtle: *FINALLY finished a pie*

Riptide: *sighs* I think we should just call it a day... *falls asleep*

Kinkajou: *shakes Riptide violently* WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!!

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Kinkajou: *shakes Riptide violently* WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!!

Riptide: *still asleep* Dad, is that you..? Have you finally come home....?


Riptide: *bursts up* Wait, huh!? What?! There is?!?

Kinkajou: YEAHHHH!!

Riptide: Has the camera been rolling the whole time? Did you catch it?

Kinkajou: Uh, no.  The camera-dragon walked off in boredom. BUT! I did see who won! It's... TURTLE!!!!!

Clay: *claps* Great job! It turns out that even MudWings have limits... but at least I'm full.  *pats his belly*

Riptide: How many did you guys eat?

Clay: I managed 32.

Turtle: 50.

Riptide: WHAT!? IN THE.... *checks watch* THREE HOURS I WAS ASLEEP?!

Turtle: You'd be surprised.  But I don't think I need to eat anything else for... several days.

Riptide: *still in shock* Well! Well! *turns to camera* What a surprise, ladi- *realizes* Oh right the camera dragon is gone.  STILL! *to fourth wall* What a surprise, ladies and gents!

Clay, Turtle, and Kinkajou: And all those in between!

Riptide: Until next time.  I'm Riptide-

Kinkajou: I'm Kinkajou!!

Clay: Clay!

Turtle: Oh.  Uh, Turtle.

All Four: Bye!

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