Truth or Dare: The Pantalan Heroes

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(NOTE: To understand this fully, you should read The Poison Jungle.  If you don't mind spoilers, though, go ahead!)

Saving a whole continent of dragons from an evil plant is stressful, right? So Blue, Cricket, Sundew, Swordtail, Willow, and Luna have gathered to play Truth or Dare!

Cricket: Hey, guys.  Thanks for gathering here in the SapWings' village.  Today we will play a game from the Distant Kingdoms--Truth or Dare!  I'll go first.  Willow, truth or dare?

Willow: (BTW, I picture her with a British accent--the books never specify which accent she has, only that she has one.) Hm, truth. 

Cricket: Okay... do you like this? *Pulls out a rainbow flag*

Willow: Oh, wow! I love it!

Sundew: *shakes her head* Eh, seems too... flashy. 

Willow: Blue, truth or dare?

Blue: Truth. 

Willow: Are you still... you know... mind-controlled? (SPOILER)

Blue: No.

Willow: *sighs with relief* Phew, good.

Swordtail: Me neither! Take THAT, you overgrown weed! (MORE SPOILERS) Cricket, truth or dare?

Cricket: Dare.

Swordtail: *rubs his claws together evilly* I dare you to play Seven Minutes of Heaven with Blue.

Cricket: *gulps nervously* Ack! Okay...

Seven minutes of heaven later...

Cricket and Blue: *think* That was enjoyable.

Luna: Sundew, truth or dare?

Sundew: Dare.

Luna: I dare you to grow the Othermind.

Sundew: As long as you can kill it... *summons the Othermind from the ground*

Blue and Swordtail: *eyes widen in fear*

*Othermind slithers towards the dragons, and Luna kills it with flamesilk*

Luna: There.  No more creepy plants controlling US!

Blue: Luna! Why in Pantala did you dare Sundew to do that? It could've gone horribly wrong!

Luna: Dares are supposed to potentially go horribly wrong! They're DARES!

Blue: Agree to disagree.  Swordtail, truth or dare?

Swordtail: Dare!

Blue: Hmm... this will be an easy one for you.  Go and annoy some HiveWings.

Swordtail: Okay! *Goes and annoys some HiveWings*

*HiveWings paralyze him and take him to Misbehaver's Way*

Blue: Welp... he's gone.  Unless you want to go after him?

Sundew: Nah.  I'll come and save him with this... *holds up the plant Cricket and Blue used on Swordtail before* later.  Luna, truth or dare?

Luna: Truth.

Sundew: Do you want to help me free Swordtail?

Luna: Of course! Right now!!

Sundew: I was HOPING for a few hours without him, but I GUESS...

*Sundew and Luna head to Cicada Hive (or is it Wasp?) to free Swordtail*

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