Glorybringer Story: Part 1

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Like many of my fellow Wings of Fire fans, I absolutely LOVE Glorybringer--it'd be my OTP (One True Pairing, or your only ship) if I didn't also ship Cleril, Ripnami, Starspeaker, Sunkat, Turtlejou, Moonbli, Lynxter (Winter needs someone to love besides Moon!), Blicket, Lunatail, and Sunlow.  Here's a short story featuring our favorite RainWing queen and NightWing assassin duo.

Finally, some peace and quiet.

Glory couldn't believe it.  She had been able to get some time alone, without her RainWing bodyguards OR Deathbringer.  She strolled through the forest, moonlight shining on her scales.  I can finally go visit my friends, or just take time off from being queen.  Arriving at a pond, the RainWing gazed down into it.  Or, I could just enjoy being alone.  Yeah, I'll do that.  She was about to lay down and rest when she heard a noiseA twig snapped, and her head shot up.  "Who's there?" she demanded.  She looked around, wary.

Something slammed into her, and she lashed out, raking her attacker's nose.  He drew back with a wince, and Glory realized it was Deathbringer.  "What are YOU doing here?" she cried.  "A 'sorry' would've been nice," he replied, rubbing his snout.  Glory sat up.  "Alright, I'm sorry.  But you still shouldn't scare me like that."

Deathbringer gave her one of his signature smirks.  "Number One Rule of Assassin Training: Never let your guard down, especially when you're alone." "I don't need to follow your "rules", I'm not an assassin," she replied.  "Oh yeah..." Deathbringer's gaze suddenly became distant.  "What?" Glory asked, but her bodyguard replied, "Oh, nothing," quickly. 

A little TOO quickly.  Glory wasn't sure what was up, but she decided to change the subject.  "Well, I WAS going to enjoy my personal space, but with you around, that's impossible." "I know," Deathbringer grinned and pulled her closer with one wing.  Glory smiled and leaned into his chest, savoring the moment.  "Alright, that's enough.  Let's head back," she said after a minute, pushing him away gently.  "Oh, sure.  Go on ahead, I'll... catch up," Deathbringer said, heading in the opposite direction from the village.  Before Glory could ask what he was doing, Deathbringer had disappeared into the trees.  Glory's scales turned a purplish-orange: the color of confusion.  This wasn't like Deathbringer at all; he never left her side!  Whatever his secret was, she was determined to figure it out. 

Hope you enjoyed that! I will be writing Part 2 and any other parts needed until I finish this story! Wishing you the power of Wings of Fire and stars in your paws!


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