My SkyWing OC meeting the Jade Winglet (I don't even know XD)

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Kinkajou: I think we're getting a new SkyWing for our Winglet!

Winter: One who doesn't burn us, hopefully?

Kinkajou: Nope! Come out, Crimson!

*Crimson appears in the doorway.  His scales are a deep ruby red, and he wears a black cape*

Qibli: Is he part of the Talons of Power? *eyes Crimson's cape nervously*

Crimson: No, of course not!

Moon: *reads Crimson's mind*

Crimson's mind: Argh, this isn't really a good start to the new year.... I wish Sahara, Scorpion, or Tangerine were here.  Especially Tangerine... *mental sigh of happiness*

Moon: He seems safe.  Who's Tangerine?

Crimson: Aaah! You -- I guess I really shouldn't be surprised.  You share the silver scales under your eyes, like Enchanter.  She's my NightWing friend, and a fellow -- erm, an animus.

Turtle: *perks up* She's an animus?

Crimson: Yeah.  Why do you ask?

Turtle: I'm an animus too :D

Crimson: *gasps, delighted* Well, I guess you all won't mind another one.  *motions to himself*

Jade Winglet: HUH?

Winter: How can there be a SkyWing animus?

Crimson: Well... you know how the SkyWings destroy firescale dragons? I'm pretty sure it's the same way with animi.  Except, my parents raised me and my younger sister, Red, away from other dragons, in a cave on the outskirts of the Sky Kingdom.  We led a comfortable life, until... *sighs sadly* Mirage came.  He's a SandWing who collects unique dragons, but unlike Burn, he keeps them alive.  Anyway, he invaded our cave, and killed my parents when they refused to hand me over.  My sister and I escaped, but I didn't learn that she was alive until recently.  *smiles* She's a jewelry seller in the Scorpion Den. 

Qibli: Wow, she works in the Scorpion Den?

Crimson: Yeah, and my friends Sahara and Scorpion, and me too, live outside the Den. 

Moon: It's been nice meeting you, Crimson! :)

Crimson: Thanks, guys.  I think I'm gonna like it here. 

So, Crimson isn't actually in the Jade Winglet, even fictionally, but I just wanted him to meet them.  Enjoy :)

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