Big Night

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 Kayson's POV

 We sat in our seats. They  were way in the back, we didn't care though. We were still so excited. The show would start in minutes.Then I got another text.

 'Enjoy the show (; --the guys'

 " Luke again?" Chloe asked annnoyed.. I showed the message to her.

 "Awee... That's sweet!" Chloe giggled. Funny how quick her mood changed. Then the show officialy started. 'What Makes You Beautiful' was what they started with. Liam was in the spot light first, then Harry. He was followed by Louis, Niall, and Zayn on the chorus. The crowd went wild. After the song finished the sang 'Up All Night', 'Stole My Heart', and 'Stand up'. The show was going great. In the middle of 'More Than This', one of my favorite songs, a lady approached us.

 "Um excuse me can I see your tickets please?" She asked us. We haned them to her seeing she had a badge and worked there. "You are Kayson Mackenzie and Chloe Fields correct?" How did she know are names?


 "Please come with me girls.."

 "Are we in trouble?" I asked her. No responce.

 "What's going on?" Asked Chloe nervously. Once agian she didn't respond. "Kayson, WHAT DID YOU DO!?! I'm too young to go to jail!!!" We followed her down the stairs to a hallway where she lead us backstage. 

 "Have fun!" She smiled. What was that supposed to mean?

 "Hello girls. I am One Direction's manager. It's been requested that you go on stage for a song. They boys will sing to you." He also smiled.

 "Your joking right?!" Asked Chloe.

 "No. Not at all." He replied. I couldn't speak. 

 "KAYSON HOW DID YOU DO THIS?" Chloe squeeled. 

 "I wish I could take credit but I can't..."I said excited too.

 "No, the boys specificly asked for you two." The manager revealed.

 "We've never met them though...." I wispered.

 "Well they know you somehow..." He said walking away. Then he stopped and turned around. "When you are cued, walk up those steps and they will lead you on stage. And have fun girls." Then he left.

 "How is this real?" Chloe asked.

 "You don't think... " I trailed off.

 "No. Well I mean, Lewis' face was A LOT like Louis'." Chloe replied meakly.

 "Lewis; Louis, Zack; Zayn, Nick; Niall, Henry; Harry, and Linc; Liam... How could I be so blind? Their accents were awful, the whole Georgia to Chicago thing, and the hats and sunglasses. WE SPENT THE WHOLE FRICKIN' DAY WITH ONE DIRECTION CHLOE!!!!" 

 She screamed. We were moitioned to come on stage. Once on stage Liam walked over to me and smiled.

 "Hey Linc..." I rolled my eyes. I was angry but also excited at the same time.

 "Everyone I'd like you to meet two of our fans Kayson Mackenzie, and Chloe Fields." Liam said into the microphone.

 Louis took over taking Chloe's hand and looking at her in the eyes. "We were lucky enough to spend the day with these two and now we'd like to dedicate a song to them."

 All 5 of them yelled into the microphone, "YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING!" Then they started to sing 'One Thing'. Liam was first.

 "I tried playin' it cool, But when I'm lookin' at you, I can't ever be brave, Cuz you make my heart race."

 One things for sure my heart was racing really fast right then and there. I felt like I was about to faint. Then Niall lead me to a stool in the middle of the stage, Zayn lead Chloe to hers, as Harry sang,

 "Shot me outta the sky, Your my Kryptonite, You keep makin' me weak, Yeah frozen and can't breathe." Chloe looked like she couldn't breathe. I had to agree with her this was breath taking.

 Zayn then sang. The chorus came after his solo. The boys started jumping around and the crowd roared. After the chorus Niall sang. Then Louis pitched in. He supposedly sang to "us", but I would say that he was singing to Chloe. He seemed to like her a lot. Once the song finished the boys gave us a big giant group hug. From there we were given backstage passes and told to go to the front row.

  After the show we went backstage again.

 "Ello loves." Liam smiled.

I glared at him.

 "Don't 'Ello Loves' me. I seriously can't believe you did that to us." I said.

 "Come on Kayson... Don't be mad." Niall and Harry said in unison. Zayn chucked.

 "Are you mad?" Louis asked Chloe.

 " Why would I be mad, after all you did tonight, no way I could be mad at you guys. But I do want an apology hug!" Demanded Chloe.

 "That can be arranged." Louis squeezed Chloe tight. Then Niall, Zayn, Harry, and Liam joined in.

  "What do you say Kace?" Liam said arms open. I sighed. I couldn't resist hugs from One Direction. If I did I would be labeled "Insane".

 The boys talked with us for a while, then offered to drive us to our car. It was dark out so we agreed. We joked a bit about there bad accents, Zayn saving Liam from blowing their cover, and their awful hats and glasses idea. 

 "So why were you in disguise anyways?" I asked.

 "Our concert was sold out, so we figured there would be quite a few fans around, we just wanted to shop with out being noticed, so we faked names and accents." Zayn explained. That made sence.

 "We didn't plan on answering any questions, thats why I sorta paniced when you asked where we lived." Niall laughed, "Georgia was a REALLY bad answer but it was the first thing that came to mind." 

 Then we were there. We got out hugging the guys goodbye.

 "I'll text you, I still wanna get that tour of Beloit." Liam called to me.

 "Okay." I smiled. They were sweet. Chloe and I were speechless the whole ride home. We just sat listening to our thoughts. We didn't want to miss a thing so we kept replaying ever little detail in our minds.

 When we got home it was nearly midnight. I checked my Twitter. I had 6 new follower requests:

 onedirection, Real_Liam_Payne, Louis_Tomlinson, Harry_Styles, zaynmalik, and  NiallOfficial

 And there was also a tweet about me:

 Real_Liam_Payne:  I had a great time with KayMack and ChloeFields_ today, our new two bestfriends:)

 All I could say was AMAZING.

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