Strange Strangers

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Kayson's P.O.V

 I woke up at 6:15 when my alarm went off. Slowly I got out of bed. My covers were warm and I knew once I was out of my bed I would be freezing. Every night I would throw on a tank top and shorts to sleep in, even though it was still only February and I knew I would be cold the next morning. Once I was out of bed I looked at myself in the mirror, seeing what wavy my blonde hair looked like after I took out the braid I wore all yesterday, in the middle of the night. Then my eyes shot open. I remembered today was Friday. And not just any Friday, today was Friday February 24th, the day my bestfriend Chloe and I were going to Chicago to see our favorite band, One Direction! I ran to the kitchen and poured two bowls of Lucky Charms. Then I ran back towards the bedrooms nearly tripping over my spunky Brittney Spaniel Daisy.

 "Get up Ava!"I yelled into my eleven year old sister's room.

 "Getting up!" She called back. Our parents worked early jobs. Both about a half hour away from from my hometown Beloit, Wisconsin, and it was my job to get Ava to school in the morning.

 I went back out into the kitchen and ate my bowl of cereal. Ava joined me, eating the bowl I poured her.

 "Let's go! Hurry, hurry!" I said to her as she drank the milk out of the bowl.

 "Why?" She asked me, "It's just another Friday."

 " Not for me, Chloe is gonna be here soon." I replied pushing her into to her room. 

 "Oh yeah! Chicago today right?" She asked. 

 "Yes." I said barely listening anymore. I was in my room and grabbed a black pair of skinny jeans. Then after shifting through my closet, I found an aqua tank and put it on and a black belt around that. To finish it off I put my black cardigain around it. Then I heard a knock on the door.

 "I got it!" Called Ava. Quickly I got on a pair of socks and my new black boots I had gotten from Forever 21 a few days before.

 "Hello?" Chloe called out. I ran to her .

 "Hey." I said giving her a hug. I then motioned for Ava to finish getting ready. Chloe was wearing a pair of blue skinny jeans, a red half shirt that said 'Love" in black letters, and a black tank under. She also wore her Uggs. Chloe's hair was long and down, like normal. Her bangs hung side swept right above her eyes. Her makeup was flawless. It was already seven, and we had to be on our way in an hour. I fixed my hair and Chloe did my makeup. By 7:30 we all piled into my Poniac Grand Prie. I dropped Ava off at school and then Chloe and I were official on our way to Chicago.

 "Kace I can't lie. I am too excied!" Kace was the nickname Chloe gave to me in fourth grade when we first met.

 "I would hope so, I wouldn't have gotten these for your birthday if you wouldn't have liked them." I said refering to the tickets. I was 18 and had been for a month but Chloe's birthday was in 4 days and I wanted her to really remember her 18th birthday as the greatest moment in her life. 

 "Well I do. Lets turn on some One Direction." She said.

 "Of couse!" I smiled. She hit the button and "What Makes You Beautiful" came on. This was the song that made me find them in the first place, just a few months before. I was on YouTube watching stuff on Vevo, and on the little side bar I saw 'Gotta Be You' and clicked on it. I didn't like the tune at first so I scrolled down and clicked on 'What Makes You Beautiful'. I instantly fell in love. A week later I showed Chloe and she fell too. We were in awe. Then when the announced their tour in th U.S , I knew we had to go.

 The whole car ride down we were singing along with them. Two and a half hours later, we were there.

 "What should we do first?" Chloe asked.

 "We could go shopping." I suggested.

 "Yes!" She smiled. We parked the car and walked to Macy's. We looked at tons of stuff, clothes, shoes,and jewlrey, but in the end we didn't buy anything becuase we wanted money for lunch and dinner, not to mention One Direction stuff from tonight.  From there we headed up the escalators to the food court. It was packed. Chloe and I squeezed into the Panda Express line. Then I bumped into a talll blonde-brown haired guy wearing a hat and dropped the cash I was holding in my hand.

 "Oh sorry love." He picked up the money and gave it back to me.

 "It's alright." I said a bit confused,  "Not from here?" I asked him.

 "No... How'd you know?" He asked looking at me through his sunglasses.

 " Most people that live in Chicago would grab the money and run!" I laughed. He chuckled too. "Plus most Americans don't say 'love'." I continued.

 " Oh did I say love... You see my dad is British, but I'm American." He said trying way too hard to sound American. I wasn't completely convinced but I dropped the subject.

 "I see. I'm Kayson by the way. You are?" I asked kindly.

 "I'm Li-"

 "He's Linc, and I'm Zack." Said a dark haired guy standing next to him also in sunglasses and a hat.

 "Nice to meet you. This is my friend Chloe." I said. She smiled at them.

  "We are also here with our friends Lewis, Nick, and Ha-enry, Henry" Zack said. The guys said hi. They were all in sunglasses and hats too. The funny thing was that it wasn't even sunny out... And they were inside. Weird but I didn't ask.

 "Nice to meet all of you. Where are you all from?" I asked.

 "Um..." Nick, the blonde one, looked around at his friends, "Georgia." He replied. This was strange because they didn't sound southern. 

"Oh okay." I said. It was lucky they were pretty cute, because they were odd, very very odd.

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