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Laim's POV

Kayson walked in looking gorgous. I liked girls that didn't try hard to look pretty. Kayson was exactly that. She wore natural makeup and it didn't seem like she wore product in her hair. Despite all that she still caught plenty of attention from guys. 

She looked at her phone. Her eyes widened. She then put her phone away and looked at me.

"Ello Kace!" I hugged her and she hugged me back then sat down.

"What's up?" She asked. She looked uneasy. Maybe she had a clue what I was going to tell her... That I saw Luke with Paige. I thought long and hard. I didn't want her to find out I knew and then be angry I didn't tell her.

"Well I have something to tell you... It's quite akward...And I don't want to upset you." I spoke calmly.

"I think I know what you're going to say.."She was looking down.

"Well listen Kayson, I'm sorry... it's just-"

"Don't apologize Liam look... I like you. But I'm taken. I'm not going to give up the relationship with Luke, the guy I've known nearly my whole life, to be with you who I have only known for 3 days and is soon going to leave..." What? What was she talking about? HOW DID SHE KNOW HOW I FELT?

"Louis..." I muttered.

"Don't get mad please?" She pleaded, "I really do like you... a lot. I just can't give up what I already have, for a new relationship I'm not sure is even going to work out because of traveling and stuff. I can't even imagine the fans. God, I mean, they love you Liam, theyall love you. I would get attacked." She laughed a little. "I hope you understand."

I couldn't tell her now she would just think I was jealous and then get upset with me. I sighed.

"I understand." Iclosed my eyes. I was going to kll Louis. Kace pulled me into a hug.

"We are still gonna be friends though, deal?" She asked.

"Hell No!" I snapped. She looked at me tears in her eyes."Best Friends!" I smirked. She smacked my arm.

"Liam James Payne! You scared me half to dealth! And yes I was an obsessed fan that knew your middle name... Don't Hate!" She laughed.

"You were obsessed with me?"I asked

"Yeah..." She looked down.

"Then again who wouldn't be?" I asked.

"Now don't turn vain Liam or your name will have to rhyme with it just likes Zayn's does." She chucked.

"So that's why Zayn's name is what it is." We laughed. "}Do wanna go upstairs? Hang out with the other guys?"

"Actually no... I 'm perfectly fine here."She smiled.

"Okay...Oh I almost forgot party next Friday. Us, the guys, Maddie, Sophie, and Bella."

"Perfect." She smiled wider. We talked somemore . We were in the lobby for about 2 hours. The she left, she had homework. I was glad those days were over for me. Then I remembered I had to go yell at Louis.

I walked into the room and yelled .


"What?" He turned his head to face me instead of the tele.

"Why would you tell Chloe after I clearly told you not to...Kayson found out and now I can't tell her about Luke!"

What she say?" He had obviously checked out after I said Kayson found out.

"She said she likes me-"

"Then why are you complain-"He cut me off, I cut him off right back.

"BUT, she is not gonna give up her relationship for one that sh'e not sure is going to work." I glared at him.

 "Oh..." He seemed surprised his plan didn't work.

"Ey Lou... When's that date gonna be?" Zayn looked at Louis.

"Umm." Louis thought.

"I wouldn't trust him with your love live... he ruined mine." I complained.

"Liam, at least you have a love life. Bella is totally into Zayn!" Harry popped out of nowhere.

"What?" Zayn looked at Harry confused.

"Great job man!"Harry said sarcasticly.

"Okay, everyone needs to calm down, now!" NIall demanded. "Harry it's not Zayn's fault Bella likes him, but now Zayn knows not to lead Bella on. And Liam Louis shouldn't have done what he did but at least now you know how Kayson feels." Niall was trying to be peacmaker. He was doing a good job at it.

"Zayn tell Sophie 6 on Wednesday. And Liam, I'm sorry." Louis attacked me with a bear hug. It was hard to be mad at Louis. Though he was the oldest he acted like a little kid. I couldn't be mad at a little kid.

"Great!" Zayn smiled. He walked of texting Sophie. Harry flopped down on the couch.

"We will find you a girl lad!" Louis said trying to cheer Harry up.

"If anyone can find you a girl, it's Louis Haz, you know that." I spoke.

He sighed, "I know."

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