The Significant Other (Linda Arrow, aka The Other)

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"Look, I'm not trying to hurt you!" Spider-Man said, following a grouping of pirate spiders that had seemingly created a female body after eating his deceased flesh. You see, he had just revived from the dead. He didn't know why he was alive, all he knew was that something with cosmic level power told him to accept his arachnid side and allowed him to be reborn. Sure he had to once more renew his vows with MJ, but she seemed quite happy with Logan the last time he saw her. So he decided to leave her be.

"Hurt... you?" Peter was surprised at the fact that the somewhat sentient pirate spider body managed to even talk. He stayed still, trying to know more about what was happening but the shock at her sudden speech was too shocking to not be left without any words. Though he knew he had to react fast or else he risked the... woman... from escaping once more and he couldn't allow that.

"Okay... You can talk. I'm not sure whether to be relieved or even more creeped out" Peter said, watching as the entity seemed to keep staring at him. He knew that something was definitely happening here and his only chance at answers seemed to be with the female entity just a corner away from him. "Now... Who or what are you? Do you even know?"

"Even... know?" Peter was getting frustrated with all the repetitions that the female entity was doing, confusing him as well. Peter needed to get all of this sorted out so he knows what to do when the time comes. He didn't want to get even more confused, all he needed was answers from her.

"Look, if you're just going to repeat-"

"Repeat. Yes" It was then that Peter knew that the conversation hit a sudden turn. The entity clearly knew how to talk, she was just using his own strategy at stalling and making jokes to get the other one frustrated enough to act without thinking. "You are... so I am" Peter stared right at the entity's pure green orbs that she was using as eyes. It held wisdom in them, even if her pattern of speech reminded him about Cassandra. He had to listen before he did something he might regret, because he was in unknown territory and he needed all the help he could get to understand everything that was currently happening. "One lives... Other must live. One dies... Other must die... All good"

"Sure... Whatever you say, but can you explain to me what is happening to me? Spider's don't even have stingers!" Peter went from one building to another, with no intentions to attack her. It seems that she noticed as well because she didn't attack him, something that he was glad it didn't happen. All he saw were the... caring... green stare that the entity was giving him. He was kind of weirded out but stayed silent for now, still waiting for answers.

"But in future? Spiders evolve... You evolve" Peter paid close attention to what she may say about his questions. He needed to understand what was happening with him with all the new powers he seemed to be getting. And the only way to get those answers was to be patient with the woman in front of him, even if right now said woman was a whole lot of pirate spiders together as one. "Morlun returned for you. Was his time to feast. Your time to die, and die you did" Peter blinked twice. He was supposed to die?! So... why was he alive then? Peter couldn't help but groan a bit in frustration before looking at the entity once more. "The Great Weaver said, no. Not your time. Brought you back. But Great Weaver wasn't alone. Another became angry. Said there must be a cost"

"What're you saying? That a couple of demi-cosmic entities didn't have anything better to do than argue about whether my time was up?" Peter was slightly confused, but fear entered his mind before the confusion could make its appearance. Ezekiel was right all along, his powers weren't just given to him because a scientific project went wrong, he was also chosen by something more powerful than himself. And that was what scared him most. He didn't know when the cosmic entity would have enough of him and kill him off, but it was something that Peter had to confront from time to time. He had already battled Firelord, a previous herald of Galactus and came out victorious.

"Yes. Exactly. Your number... Was up. And I am... Opposite number" He watched as the female entity got closer to him, but with no sudden movements as to if she wanted to hurt him or not. Not that he even needed to know since his Spider-Sense now reacted to anything whether it was a threat or not. So he waited but saw that the entity kept staring at him. "You define me. I define you. What-"

"Wait just a second! I define you and viceversa? Like.. a mate thing?" Peter really went full on confused. He knew that spiders often searched for someone to mate with but for the same principle to also be applied to humans with arachnid powers as well, it was a whole new thing for him. He waited, watching carefully as the female entity kept staring straight at his eyes, almost as if she was looking straight into his soul.

"Yes. You are mine... I am yours. But as you evolve... I evolve. Evolve... or die" The female said before turning into the millions of spiders and falling down the building. Peter had to ask himself into what mess he got himself into, but he knew that it was too late for going back. He knew that he would see her soon. When? He didn't know but he knew that he would and all he could do, was wait.

Time Skip; With Peter Parker

Peter sighed as he looked at the moon rising through the horizon. He had a surprising relaxed day when patrolling the city of New York. While he was worried something might happen, Peter was thankful to receive such a day. He had an awful interesting month. Mary Jane seemed to have ended up with Logan's kid on one of their ruts and James couldn't look more proud of himself. Though what surprised Peter the most was the fact that everyone seemed at edge with him, because of all of his new powers. He could understand quite a bit, these powers were a vast improvement to the ones he previously had... Ever since he evolved, he kept on evolving, even developing poison from his stingers.

"I have found you, my significant other... As you have found me" Peter looked back, only to gasp for a bit. She now had flesh, from what he was seeing anyways. Dark beautiful skin with blue eyes and short blonde hair. He couldn't help but notice that the appearance that the entity decided to choose for him, was of Gwendolyn Stacy at least appearance wise. He even managed to see a piercing in her left eyebrow, which actually made Peter blush a bit at the whole 'bad girl' dressing code.


"I have taken the name of Linda Arrow" She stated, giving Peter a sincere smile which made him smile as well. It was a nice surprise that he was able to see the woman instead of the grouping of spiders that her body previously consisted of. She must have evolved even further until she finally got her own body. Though separating into various spiders may well be a power she only has. "Now... It is time, my significant other. You are mine as I am yours"

Peter was surprised by the sudden kiss from the cosmic entity now transformed into a beautiful woman. He groaned a bit, instinct making him respond to the kiss from the cosmic entity. He hoped this one would last for a while because he is not sure what he will do to if he had to face off against an angry cosmic entity that could easily kick his ass.

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