Part 1

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(Tiger's Pov)

I woke up when the sun was in my eyes I quickly used my telekinesis to close them before I got up after hearing mom call for me

"Tiger! Get down here!" Mom yelled and moments later Guppy, and dad came into my room

"Come down Kitty," They said before leaving 

"I swear if I get called that stupid nickname again I'm going to beat Wild Card up for giving me it!" I whispered getting ready 

The truth was before I caught him "cheating" (You'll understand the truth later) he gave me that nickname as a way to tease me 


"Hey Kitty," Wild Card said winking 

"Don't call me that!" Tiger yelled 

He smirked and kissed her before he grabbed his stuff

"Meet you at the park, Kitty. Love you," He said walking out of headquarters

"Love you too. And for the last time don't call me that!" She yelled 

(End of flashback)

That was a year ago and I still can't shake the memory my family is the only people I let call me that but Wild Card still calls me that in order to annoy me. I finished getting ready but I saw a photo of Wild Card and me. I sighed and put my hand over the photo remembering all the happy memories I still can't bring myself to take it down so I keep it in a place I won't see it as often. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen just as Guppy, Mom, and Dad were starting to eat.

"Morning, Kitty," Mom said with a smile

"Morning," I whispered sitting down

"You're going to headquarters with Guppy today," Dad suddenly said

"Don't tell me Wild Card will be there," I whined

"You both need to fix your problems," Mom said

"But he's annoying," I whined but secretly I was still in love with him despite the breakup

"Well too bad Kitty now get your things and meet us in the car," Dad replied

(Wild Card's Pov)

I was sitting at my desk staring at a photo of Tiger and me that photo was taken 2 weeks before she broke up with me. It was all just a misunderstanding but she saw it differently.


Wild Card was waiting for Tiger at the park when a girl came up to him

"Why hello," The girl said

"I'm taken," Wild Card quickly replied

The girl frowned as she looked in the direction of Tiger as Wild Card was also staring at her. The girl smiled and kissed him just as Tiger caught sight of them and her heart shattered

"You little!" She yelled slapping them both through tears

"Kitty wait! It's not what it looks like!" Wild Card yelled

"It's exactly what it looks like! You're cheating on me!" Tiger yelled as her claws were sharpening (If you watch Carmen Sandiego or did watch it then imagine Tigresse but good version)

"Kitty, let me explain please," He begged

"Don't call me that! We are done!" She yelled

"Wait!" Wild Card yelled as Tiger ran off

(End of flashback)

That memory keeps haunting me and it will always haunt me unless I get My Kitty back. In the meanwhile, I'm trying to ignore my feelings for her by arguing with her and she couldn't care less as she also argues with me. Ever since the breakup everyone at headquarters tries to separate us but we're stuck sitting together making my heart shatter even more seeing My ex-girlfriend who I still love arguing with me and basically hating me with all her heart. I snapped back to reality when dad said it was time to go to headquarters I grabbed my bag and a small pendant she gave me as a gift to always remind me of her I put it in my bag and walked downstairs. Dad was waiting at the door and as soon as he saw me we walked out and got in the car before heading to headquarters.

(Tiger's Pov)

We arrived at headquarters and our parents headed to a separate area while Guppy and I walked to the schoolroom as soon as the door opened Wild Card laid his eyes on me but quickly scoffed and looked down. I groaned and Guppy headed to her seat while I walked to my chair and sat down scooting away from Wild Card.

"Good morning to you as well, Kitty," He whispered

"Stop calling me that," I whispered back angrily before standing up and walking away

"She's coming!" Noodles whisper yelled and we all rushed to our seats

Miss Granada walked in with a brunette haired girl following her 

"Everyone this is missy she will be joining you today," She started before pointing to Fast Forward gesturing her to sit next to her, and she immediately sat down. 

"Children Thank you all for respecting my rules. Your parents will be very proud when I tell them of your exceptional behavior..... well done" She finished before walking out 

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