Part 9

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Everyone stood in a line formation

"That's good. Back in formation!" Ms. Moreno said before she noticed Missy was gone

"Keep training," She said before walking off while Wild Card and I just sat under a tree

He tried to form a small fire in his hand but instead, he provided free watering to the grass. He sighed and looked down 

"You'll get it eventually I promise," I whispered

"I don't think I will," He whispered back looking at the wet grass

"Yes, you will. I know it," I confirmed with a small smile 

"At least you can control your powers," Wild Card said before we stared at each other. He was starting to lean in and I was doing the same but then We heard helicopters and jumped up 

"We really can't be alone," I whispered grabbing his hand and rushing to the others 

"They sure found you fast," Ms. Moreno said

"They wanna take us back to headquarters," Facemaker said

"Well, too bad. We've got a world to save," Missy said smiling

Ms. Moreno pressed a button on her cane making a tunnel open up

"Go through this tunnel. I'll hold them off," She ordered

Everyone quickly slid down and Wild Card caught me. While we waited for Missy we grabbed hands and smiled

"Guys? Come on!" Missy said once she slid down

"It sure is dark in here," Guppy said looking down the tunnel

"Ojo, can I use your flashlight?" Missy asked

"We just have to stick...together," Missy said walking forward with the little light

"Yeah, and find a way up to the mother ship, and defeat the aliens who defeated all the Heroics," Wild Card replied following behind her while dragging me with him

"What could we do differently from our parents?" Wheels asked

"Everything. Like we lure the aliens out of the cities so that we don't destroy more buildings," Missy answered

"If anything it's them not us," I whispered 

"Yeah," Wild Card agreed

"Don't we need superhero costumes?" Guppy asked

"No, we do not!" I answered immediately 

"All superheroes have costumes. Pads, fake muscles, tons of useless buckles," Fast Forward said

"To be honest I think those make them look dumb," I whispered making Wild Card chuckle in agreement 

"Underwear on the outside," A Capella said

"Masks you can barely see out of," Rewind added

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