Part 14

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(Nobody's Pov)

"Wild Card? Tiger? We need you. Right now!" Missy yelled

"On our way," Tiger replied

"Stay cool," Wild Card said to Miss Granada as he grabbed Tiger by her waist and teleported them to the others

"Get down there, quick!" Missy ordered

Wild Card let go of Tiger's waist and everyone stared at her necklace in awe 

"When did you get that?" A Capella asked while Wild Card was flying up with Slo-Mo 

"Oh it was a gift from--" Tiger started just as Wild Card landed next to her and wrapped his arm around her while Noodles switched the motherboards 

"From me," He said giving her a quick kiss 

"Finally you're back together," Fast Forward and A Capella said together just as the ground began to shake and the pyramid opened to reveal the adults

"Wait. So our parents were in the pyramid all along? But I don't understand. What's the takeover?" Missy asked while Miss Granada, The President, and some guards came in smiling

"The takeover of power...from your parents," Miss Granada explained 

"You see, the next generation is always an improvement from the last," She continued 

"Things are not heading in the right direction on your planet. And you children are inheriting Earth's problems, and need to be able to fix them, sooner rather than later," Ojo explained 

"It's in the best interest of the entire galaxy that life on Earth survives and thrives. So, we infiltrated both your government and Heroics headquarters so we could train you and accelerate the transfer of power," The president said  

"As you've seen from today's events, it's not enough to be strong, powerful, or even magic. If you do not use your strengths together and with good are doomed," Ojo continued 

"But I don't understand. The clock hit zero. We were one second too late," Wheels said

"The supreme commander knew down to the second exactly when the takeover would happen," The president said pointing to Ojo

"Your guess was close, Wheels but not quite right. Everything on the ship wasn't designed for children," Ojo explained 

"Oh, it was designed by children," Wheels said in realization

"That's correct. On our planet, the children are in charge," Ojo confirmed while the aliens bowed

"So, you're their leader?" Missy asked

"Yes. Just as I knew you would be a natural leader. It's why I drew you at the front of the class," Ojo said before Tiger interrupted

"So, Anita paired us up because this was a part of your plan to not only get us ready but also get us back together?" She asked

"Correct. Everyone but you realized you still had feelings for each other," Ojo answered

"Well, I'd say that worked pretty well. Don't you darling?" Wild Card asked wrapping his arm around her

"Yep," Tiger agreed

Ojo was saying something but Tiger and Wild Card were busy being lovey-dovey while he turned them Invisible

(If you couldn't tell I was tired so I just wrote something random and stupid since I write late)

(Tiger's Pov)

"I missed you," I whispered

"I missed you more," Wild Card whispered back

"Well then I love you," I said

"I love you more," He replied

"No, I love you more," I argued

"I'm never losing you again," Wild Card whispered

"Neither am I," I replied

"You're so beautiful. You know that?" He complimented

"Now I do," I replied just as a platform raised and everyone ran to their parents

"I'm going to my parents. meet you in a bit, baby. Love you!" I said kissing him quickly before running off

"Mom! Dad!" Guppy and I yelled running to our parents and hugging them

"We're so proud of you both!" Mom said hugging Guppy while I hugged my dad and then we switched 

"You're both so strong," Dad said

"That's a nice necklace," Mom complimented noticing my necklace

"Oh, thank you," I replied just as someone came from behind and covered my eyes

"Guess who~" Wild Card said

"Hey, babe," I laughed and he uncovered my eyes before putting his arm around me just as Tech-No walked up to us 

"Glad to see you're back together," Our parents said 

"Well, I guess we needed a little push," Wild Card and I replied 

"More like a big push," Guppy mumbled 

We all laughed and our dad's stared at Wild Card with a stern look

"If you hurt her again then you'll regret it!" They yelled 

"Oh come on! Is anybody on my side?" He asked in frustration 

Mom burned them and we laughed before we all headed back home

(The End)(New story tomorrow or the day after)

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