Part 13

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"Wheels, how much time do we have?" Missy asked as she started walking

"18 minutes," Wheels responded

"Then we need to hurry if we want to stop the takeover," Missy said

"Us? Are you nuts? We have to go free our parents and let them handle it," Wild Card replied following her

"No! There's no time for that! By the time we get there, they--" Missy started

"No! I'm through listening to you. When I woke up, everything was perfect. Then you come along and everything's a mess. If Little Miss No-Powers is who you want as a leader, fine, follow her straight into Alienville. But Facemaker, Tiger and I are gonna go get our parents," Wild Card finished grabbing Facemaker, and Tiger

"We are?" Facemaker asked

"Yes, right now," Wild Card answered grabbing Tiger's hand

Wild Card dragged them both away before whispering in Facemaker's ear as they continued walking

"Sorry in advance," Tiger whispered to Wild Card leaving him confused

"I don't understand. Why did we split up? Where are we going? How do you know our parents are this way?" Facemaker kept asking

"Okay, this is good," Wild Card said stopping

"What do you mean, "This is good"?" Facemaker asked

"Are you questioning my authority?" Wild Card asked

"Uh... I don't even know what we're talking about," Facemaker said

"Really? The confusing thing? That's what you're going with?" Wild Card asked pushing him

"Hey! What is going on with you! First, you act like a total jerk to Missy. Next, You're rude to Facemaker!" Tiger whisper yelled

"I was right! Missy's the reason everything happened!" Wild Card argued

"She's also the reason we made up!" She whispered

"We would have made up eventually! Jeez, Tiger who's side are you on?" He asked

"I'm not on anyone's side and you're making a fool of yourself!" Tiger answered while Facemaker just stood there

"Just go back to Missy!" Wild Card whispered

"You know what? I will. I'm done with you and your attitude! You are the worst! Let's go, Facemaker!" She whispered back dragging Facemaker with her and walking behind a corner. While they waited for Wild Card until he finally snuck behind them

"Let's do this," He whispered making Tiger jump

"Right," Tiger replied closing her eyes while the guys switched places

"Come on let's go," 'Facemaker' whispered grabbing her arm while 'Wild Card' walked away

The two walked around quietly until they arrived at the door to the control room. They waited until Miss Granada and the guards walked out before heading towards the door but it was locked

"I'll teleport inside," Wild Card whispered as he was back to himself before the door opened and he turned to Tiger who had lockpicked the door and they headed inside. Tiger tucked some hair behind her ear before smiling and turning to explore the monitor while Wild Card was admiring her

'Why does Tiger have to be so beautiful? I really miss us,' He thought just as Tiger read his mind and turned around with a small smile

"I miss us too," She whispered

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