Part 6

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Rewind used his powers and they were sent back to before the guard pressed the alarm

"I told you she was right," Tiger whispered nudging Wild Card

"Well, that doesn't mean anything, Kitty," Wild Card replied 

"Say that again and it'll be the last thing you ever do," She said sternly 

"I know you won't hurt me cause you love me," He whispered smirking

"Gosh, please get that out of your head," Tiger replied 

Tiger rolled her eyes and turned to look at the group just in time to see Wheels roll on top of the guard's legs

"Ouch," she whispered

Noodles cuffed the guard and took one of the guard's jacket

"C'mon, let's go!" Missy said as they all followed her

"Single file line! Like a fire drill. We'll be questioned less," Wheels commanded

"Let's go!" Missy said counting everyone until it was only Wild Card, Missy, and Tiger

As they were about to leave the aliens broke in again

"Beginner's luck," Wild Card said to Missy  

"Save it for later!" Tiger yelled grabbing his hand making them both blush 

"Noodles, stretch and make yourself tall!" Missy told Noodles

Noodles stretched and made himself look like an adult while Tiger and Wild Card started arguing silently 

"I only grabbed your hand to pull you out!" Tiger whisper yelled

"Yea, from danger. See you still love me," Wild Card argued 

"The only danger you're in is my claws to your face!" She whispered  

Before Wild Card could respond there was another alarm going off the kids ran but unfortunately for Missy, she bumped into Miss Granada

"I'm so sorry!" Missy apologized before realizing that it was Miss Granada

"Missy!" Tiger yelled grabbing her hand

"Seal the doors," Miss Granada told a guard

The kids ran towards the door but it got blocked off by bars 

"We're in trouble," Guppy said

The kids ran in the other direction but they were cornered

"That was our only exit!" Missy yelled

"Not our only one!" Wild Card yelled pointing at the ceiling

"How are we supposed to get up there?" Fast Forward asked

"A Capella? You made furniture float. Can you do the same with people?" Missy asked A Capella

"To go up high, I have to sing very...low," A Capella said singing that last part

All the guards began to float up forming a staircase

"Climb as fast as you can!" Wild Card said as he began to climb up with everyone behind him

"Noodles, open up the hatch!" Wild Card commanded once he reached the top

Noodles opened the hatch and everyone climbed out. Unfortunately for Tiger, while she was climbing out of the hatch she slipped and was caught by Wild Card before she even got the chance to reach the floor. 

"I see you've fallen for me again," He whispered winking 

"Save it for later!" She whisper yelled grabbing his hand and running towards the tram

'Damn it Wild Card! Remember she doesn't love you anymore!' Wild Card thought 

"Don't let them follow us!" Missy yelled to A Capella

"Adios," A Capella sang causing the guards to fall on cushions

"Noodles, the access cards!" Wild Card yelled

Noodles quickly used the access card to open the door to the train and everyone ran inside

"We did it!" Fast Forward said

"Yeah, we did it," Missy said

"But the tram will only take us to just outside the force field, then they'll catch us for sure. Look! They're already mobilizing!" Wheels yelled pointing at some guards that were blocking the exit 

"Any chance we can just pass by them without hurting anyone?!" Tiger asked  

"Brace yourselves!" Missy yelled

Everyone grabbed onto their seats, poles, and Tiger just so happen to grab onto the same pole and place as Wild Card's hand making them touch 

"Sorry!" They both whispered moving their hands 

"You to Guppy," Missy said

Guppy glared at her and grabbed onto the pole causing it to dent 

"A Capella, make us fly," Wild Card said turning to her

A Capella stood up and began to vocalize with her hair going up and her eyes glowing 

(Tiger's Pov)

While A Capella was starting to sing I noticed Wild Card was staring at me 

"What?" I asked turning to him 

"Nothing," He answered looking away 

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