Part 8

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"But we're children," Rewind said

"Yes, the children of the Heroics. If anyone is gonna save the world, it's you, because all of you have superpowers," Ms. Moreno said as she handed us lemonade 

"Super lame powers," Facemaker said

"Speak for yourself," Wild Card added

"Okay, Johnny Random," Rewind said 

"Okay, Mr. uncontrollable powers," I said at the same time as Rewind

"Hmm...This is no way to be a super team," Ms. Moreno said

"Abuelita's right. Aliens are about to invade, and if we want to rescue our parents and save the planet, we're gonna need to do it now," Missy said standing up

"Are you saying that...we can be superheroes?" A Capella asked

"Well, yeah. I guess that kinda is what I'm saying," Missy answered sitting down again

"We can be heroes just for one day," A Capella sang causing everyone to groan 

"Sorry, it was there for the taking," A Capella apologized

"I need you all to maximize your powers," Ms. Moreno said

"Grandma, I've been trying to do that my whole life, So if you have any ideas, I'm all ears," Wild Card said as Facemaker made his ears big from behind him making everyone laugh

"Um, it's not about who is the strongest or fastest. It's about working together, and that's why we'll need someone to be the leader," Ms. Moreno said

"That would be me," Wild Card said raising his hand 

"I was actually talking about Missy and Tiger, but thank you," Ms. Moreno said

I chuckled before we all stood up and followed Ms. Moreno outside  

"But I'm the leader!" Wild Card protested

"He's right. I'm totally okay with that," Missy said

"Well, I'm not. And we don't have time to argue. So, what I say goes," Ms. Moreno said

"Yes ma'am," Wild Card responded

"Welcome to my training ground," Ms. Moreno said as her yard turned into a training area

"Woah," Wild Card and I whispered

"Let's boogie," Ms. Moreno said

As everyone else was starting to train Ms. Moreno took Wild Card and me back inside

"Sit," She instructed pointing at two chairs that were facing each other. We both stared at each other before sitting down

"I was told about your issues together due to your past relationship," She started making us both groan

"You have got to be kidding me," I whispered 

"If you want to succeed in saving your parents then you need to get along. Therefore, you will be training together," Ms. Moreno said

"What?! No!" We both yelled

"Starting with fixing your problems. You will not leave this room until you become friends again," She finished

"Ugh," I whispered as she walked out

We were both silent for a while until he spoke up

"So, I guess I finally get to explain," Wild Card said breaking the silence

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