Part 4

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(Y/n's Pov)

I was crying on Wild Card's shoulder and for a second I forgot we weren't together anymore and nearly whispered 'I love you' to him

"Guppy, come here," I whispered but she didn't hear me obviously. However, Wild Card heard me, and he spoke up

"Guppy, Y/n's calling you. Come here," He said and Guppy ran over to us. I picked her up and comforted her while she cried on Wild Card's shoulder

"It'll be ok I promise," Wild Card whispered

Everyone stayed silent until Miss Granada appeared on the screen

"Children for your own safety were going into full lock down....No one leave your seats as long as you stay where you are, you are all safe," She told us before the TV went back up. 

"Yeah right they can't protect from that we just saw it," Noodles said

"You got a better idea?" Wildcard asked

"We should probably do what Miss Granada says," Guppy said

"Uh, pardon me, but-" Missy began before she was cut off

"The last look on my dad's face will haunt me forever," Facemaker said mimicking his dad's face

"What do they want from us?" A Capella asked

"Do you think our parents are okay?" Asked Rewind

"Uh, excuse me?" Missy said trying to get our attention 

"What?" Wild Card asked in an annoyed tone making me snap back to reality and punch his shoulder 

"Can't stay silent for five minutes! Can ya?" I yelled

"We need to leave this room right now," Missy continued

"Why?" asked Guppy

"Because the Aliens know where we are and they're coming for us next," she said

"How could you possibly know that?" Asked Wildcard in an annoyed voice

Missy looked at Wildcard and walked towards Ojo causing me to stand up and walk away from Wild Card 

"Can I borrow this a sec?" Missy asked Ojo

Ojo nodded and gave Missy her Tablet

"Ojo drew these Facemaker standing on the floating chairs, Noodles smashing the exercise ball..." She continued

"She draws what she sees, big deal,"  Wild Card replied 

"Maybe if you let her talk then you'll understand her plan!" I yelled 

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