Part 5

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"She drew these things five minutes before they happened," Missy continued

"Ojo's superpower isn't that she can draw, she can draw the future," She finished

"Okay, cool...Good for Ojo. what's your point?" Wildcard asked

"She also drew these alien creatures breaking into this very room...There," She said pointing at a green fan

"Whoa! You're saying they'll be coming in through there," Noodles said in amazement as Missy handed The tablet to Wheels

"She's right. All these drawings suddenly make perfect sense...Ojo can see the future," Wheels said

"Let me get this straight. Some new girl shows up with absolutely Zero powers and suddenly we're gonna do what she says?" Wildcard asked

"She may not have powers but at least she's smarter than you! You need to stop only thinking of yourself!" I answered 

"Seems like she got a point," A Capella agreed

"Just a moment ago, you agreed that we weren't safe here," Missy said

"We're safer in here than running around outside with you playing captain," Wildcard replied 

"Well, as the second leader I say we're going," I said 

"Well, as the first one I say no we're not!" He argued 

"Then I'd like to see you defend us against the aliens with your uncontrolled powers. Go on and try to use them!" I yelled

"We just want to get out of here... If anybody wants to join us, You're free to follow," Missy said

"Fine. We're getting out of here, But only because I say so, You got that," He said standing up 

"Well, What's the plan...Granada said this place is on lockdown. There'll be guards everywhere," Wheels asked

"Yeah, Missy what's the plan," Wildcard asked

(Time skip)

Facemaker walked back into the room with the guards following him.

"So don't ask us how we know this but Aliens are about to attack," Missy began

"And we're no longer safe here," I finished

"This place is a fortress Nothing's getting in. And I'm afraid no one's getting out either those are the rules," One guard said

"Oof, Then we're definitely getting out of here, and so we're gonna need your access cards. Like, now," Missy said

"And you think we'll just hand these to you," asked the guard chuckling

"No, but it would have made this a whole lot easier...Cushions," I said turning around 

Facemaker, Noodles, and Wild Card all placed cushions in front of each guard before Wild Card stood next to me and tried to wrap his arm around me

(Nobody's Pov)

"Do it and watch what happens," Tiger whispered glaring at him

"I remember you used to love it when I wrapped my arm around you," He whispered back smiling a little

"Used to," she said

"Tiger, I know that you know deep down I wasn't lying when I told you I didn't cheat on you," Wild Card whispered

"Forget it that was a year ago. What we had is gone now thanks to you and that girl," Tiger replied irritated making the little bit of hope in Wild Card fade. When Tiger indeed did believe him but what she saw that day told a different story and she'll never forget it.

"I don't even know that girl. You have to believe me," He said

"Well, I don't so stop talking about this. Just move on already I know you want to," Tiger replied

"No, I don't," Wild Card whispered taking out the pendant and putting it over his chest

"Y-You kept it," She stuttered remembering the day she gave it to him


"Here. I got this for you as a way to always feel like I'm with you even if I'm not," Tiger said handing Wild Card a box and he opened it

"'s beautiful," He whispered picking it up

"Do you like it?" She asked

"Are you kidding? I love it! Thank you, baby," Wild Card answered kissing her

"Glad you like it," Tiger said relieved

"Is that your perfume?" He asked as he noticed a nice smell on the pendent

"Yep! An even better way to remember me," She answered

"Now it can always feel like you're with me. It's amazing, Kitty," Wild Card whispered hugging her

"Your welcome. I love you," Tiger replied hugging him back

"I love you more," He said giving her a kiss on the cheek

(End of flashback)

"Of course I did. To always feel like you're with me," Wild Card replied smelling the pendants scent of roses (You can pick another smell that's good cause I don't wear perfume)

"It still has your perfume on it even after a year," he whispered

"I can't believe you really kept it even after we broke up," Tiger whispered back

Their conversation was interrupted when an alarm went off the two looked over at everyone else while they looked at a guard that had pressed the alarm

"This was a bad idea," Fast Forward said 

"Wheels, next time this happens, don't let the guard reach the alarm. Noodles, you'll take his jacket and cuff them," Missy commanded

"What next time? You kids aren't--" One of the guards said before the fan stopped and the aliens broke in

"I told you your plan wouldn't work!" Wild Card yelled before an alien grabbed him 

'Unbelievable' Tiger thought facepalming before throwing lava rocks at the alien 

"No!" Missy yelled before she turned to Rewind

"Rewind, send us back," She commanded

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