Part 2

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"She's gone," Noodles whisper yelled again, and just like that everyone else went back to messing around while Wild Card and I were arguing again

"You lost me a year ago and along with that you also lost the privilege to call me that!" I yelled 

"Privilege?! I can call you whatever I want!" Wild Card yelled back

(Nobody's Pov)

"Not when you break my heart!" Tiger yelled

"For the last time, I didn't do anything!" He yelled standing up

"I hate you!" She blattered out breaking Wild Card's heart even more

Tiger gasped silently and rolled her eyes trying to stay strong but her heart hurt lying to her ex who she still had feelings for. Meanwhile, Wild Card was also trying to stay strong but his heart was aching. His ex just said she hated him when he on the other hand still loved her. He watched as Tiger put her head down and he got lost in his thoughts when Missy and Wheels approached them

"And then there's our fearless leader Wild Card...There's not a single power in the world he doesn't have," Wheels explained 

"True," Wild Card confirmed staying strong  

"Sure he has every power imaginable but since he can't focus his energy they show up randomly," Facemaker interrupted putting his hand on his shoulder earning a laugh from Tiger 

"Also true... Until now that is...Teleport!" Wild Card ordered but the book he was looking at caught on fire making Tiger burst out laughing

"Not funny," He muttered 

"That's Tiger she's the daughter of Sharkboy and Lavagirl. She has all her parent's powers along with Mind Control, Mind reading, Flight, telekinesis, and Invisibility along with super sharp claws. She and Wild Card don't get along at all because of their past relationship," Wheels explained 

"If you don't mind me asking. What happened between them?" Missy asked 

"Nobody but they know," He answered

"What happened is he's a lying cheater who can't control his powers to save his life!" Tiger yelled glaring at him

"I didn't cheat on you!" Wild Card yelled back

"That's what they all say!" She yelled standing up

"Yeah walk away, Kitty!" He yelled back

"What did you call me!?" Tiger asked turning around 

"Nothing, Kitty," Wild Card answered smirking 

"Call me that again I dare you!" She yelled

"Calm down," Wheels said

"Please! You are just an innocent girl who acts tough!" Wild Card yelled back

"That's it!" Tiger yelled lunging at him with her claws out 

Wild Card stood up and ran away with Tiger chasing him in anger. Everyone stood back and watched as he was running for his life in disappointment 

"Should we help?" Missy asked

"We would if we could but only he can calm her down," Wheels answered

The kids watched as Wild Card was corned with Tiger closing in on him. He pulled out the pendant and showed it to her as her eyes softened

"I-Is that?" She stuttered  

"Calm down, Tiger," He whispered walking away slowly and with caution 

(Again I just went with the original plot)

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