Part 12

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(Tiger's Pov)

"Just the kind of divisive attitude I've been counting on. You kids are just like your parents. The same in-fighting. The same bickering. Putting your own egos ahead of your team," Miss Granada said as Guppy took her water out 

"Take away her water," She ordered making Wild Card and I shield her

"Try to touch her and you'll regret it," I said showing my claws 

"They're too powerful together," Miss Granada continued pointing at Rewind and Fast Forward. The twins were separated and while we were looking away the aliens took Guppy's water. Miss Granada was talking to Ojo but I got lost in my thoughts until Wild Card snapped me back to reality by waving his hand in front of me

"Tiger? Kitty?" He asked trying to get my attention 

"Huh?" I asked snapping back 

"You zoned out," Wild Card whispered 

"Oh sorry," I whispered back 

"We'll get out of here," He said in reassurance 

"That's just it Wild. Will we really? I mean we only trained for like 10 minutes and yet we still managed to screw up. I'm starting to believe we can't do this. Besides I'm not even much use to the team," I asked starting to lose hope I don't know what happened but my confidence was down

"Hey...I've never seen you so unconfident before. What's got you so down in the dumps?" Wild Card asked taking me to the corner while everyone else talked 

"I don't know it's just suddenly my confidence has been down. I feel like I have no use to the team since Guppy basically has all my powers," I answered 

"Listen closely. Guppy doesn't have all your powers only some of them. You're a great use to the team. Who else would tell me to shut up and sass me every time I say something dumb?" He asked making me chuckle

"Good point. Whoever would have to take my place would be done in a day," I laughed 

"That's just it. Nobody can take your place, Kitty you're the only person who can actually handle me. Like you said whoever would try and take your place would be over it before the end of the day," Wild Card whispered before Facemaker spoke up

"I bet Miss Granada's been working there for years," Facemaker said walking around

"They must have hacked the elections and put their own alien in as president so they could set a trap for the Heroics," Wild Card added

"I'm such an idiot. President Neil Anami. Spell Neil Anami backward and you have...I'm an alien," Wheels said

"Everyone thinks that the aliens only invaded this morning, but they've been here for years planning this takeover the whole time," Missy added

"And now we're locked in this stupid cell with no way out," Wild Card said 

"Don't have to sound so down," I whispered

"Wait a minute...Kitty, can't you fit your claws through the crack on the door? Maybe you can open it?" He asked

"I can try," I answered walking up to the door

(Nobody's Pov)

Tiger walked up to the door and tried to fit her claws through the small crack between the doors. Her claws managed to fit through the crack and she tried to open the door

"Need help?" Facemaker asked getting up

"She can do it," Wild Card whispered

Tiger managed to creak open the door a tiny bit before she was tired

"Anyone wanna help?" She asked 

Wild Card and Guppy stood up and grabbed the other door

"Ready?" Tiger asked

"Yep," The two answered

The three started pulling the doors and eventually, they opened it enough to squeeze everyone through the door.

"Quickly let's go! We won't be able to hold it!" The three slightly yelled

Everyone got up and rushed out 

"Both of you go!" Wild Card yelled trying to keep both doors open 

"No! You go!" Tiger yelled

"Kitty, I said go! Guppy, take her!" He yelled again and Guppy grabbed Tiger and pulled her out while he tried to keep them open 

"Hurry!" Tiger yelled grabbing his hand and pulling him out as the door closed

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