Part 10

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(Nobody's Pov)

"That's why they were able to pick out our parents so easily," Fast Forward said as Tiger went in between Wild Card and Missy

"Because they were easy to spot. We have to blend it. Be...stealth," Missy said looking at a drawing that Tiger just so happened to see as well making them look at each other.

"How?" Wild Card asked

"Just trust me. I have a plan," Missy said

"Where? What plan?" He asked as Missy and Tiger pulled him aside

"I'll show you," She said showing him the drawing

"The plan is we're gonna sneak on a bus?" He asked confused

Missy and Tiger facepalmed before Missy began to whisper in his ear well Tiger listened in 

"Holy...doo-doo," He said staring at Ojo

Missy continued to whisper in his ear before finishing

"I mean, yes, very interesting," Wild Card said

"Okay, that makes sense. Yep. Okay. Wow, that's really smart," He continued before he yanked the Ipad from her

"Okay, everyone, Missy, Tiger, and I figured out a way for us to do this," Wild Card said

"Check it out. Ojo drew us a clue. A supply ship," He continued showing the children the drawing

"So what does that mean?" A Capella asked

"It means there's probably one nearby that we'll sneak on board and pilot up to the mother ship," He said handing the Ipad back to Missy

"That's actually a good idea no matter who thought of it," Wheels said

"Thank you," Wild Card said crossing his arms making Tiger groan

"Come on, it's time we show these aliens what's what," Missy said as she walked off with everyone following her

The kids hid behind a rock looking at the ship

"Look, there's the supply ship. Just like Ojo's drawing!" Missy said

"Ew. Gross!" The kids yelled seeing tentacles leaving

"Shh. keep it down! Wait. Wait a second. Let's go," She ordered running to the ship

"Shut the door and let's get out of here. Wheels, can you--" Missy began

"No! We're not all here!" Wheels yelled

"What? Who's missing?" Fast Forward asked before she realized

"Slo-Mo! Cut it out! Run!" Wild Card yelled 

"I got this," Tiger whispered looking around when she got an idea

"Hurry they're coming back!" Guppy yelled as Tiger grabbed Wild Card's hands and wrapped them around her waist

"W-What are you doing?" He asked blushing like crazy

"I needed someone to catch me from falling. Now hold onto me tight," She instructed and he nodded with little confusion

Tiger threw lava rocks at the Aliens before using her telekinesis to lift them in the air using almost all her strength to keep them up

"Noodles!" She yelled starting to feel dizzy and the Aliens were slowly breaking loose and her strength was draining making Wild Card hold her tighter trying to keep her from passing out. Noodles stretched his arm and grabbed Slo-Mo just as the Aliens broke loose and Tiger fell back a little from the drain of strength. Wheels closed the door and everyone screamed while Wild Card guided Tiger to the back of the ship and sat her down. Everyone was screaming due to the Aliens attacking the ship when a shield appeared making them scream louder. Wheels continued to press buttons until Guppy pressed a red one and they flew up.

"You okay?" Wild Card asked

"I think. My strength is a little drained from the Aliens but I'll manage," Tiger answered sighing 

"Rest alright? I'll wake you when we get there," He whispered 

"Are you sure?" She asked holding his hand

"Yeah, regain your strength and I'll wake you up," Wild Card reassured her and she nodded before closing her eyes

(Wild Card's Pov)

Tiger fell asleep and I stood up carefully before walking over to Missy

"Is she okay?" Missy asked

"Yeah, she's regaining her strength," I whispered looking back at her

"You know you should just tell her the truth," She whispered

"What?" I asked 

"It's so obvious that you still have feelings for her," Missy answered 

"You think she knows?" I asked again 

"I doubt it. But you really should tell her," She replied before I changed the subject 

"Hey, why did you choose me instead of Tiger to share the idea of looking at Ojo's Ipad?" I asked

"I don't know. I guess I know how hard it feels when everyone expects so much from you, and you feel like you can't deliver," Missy answered 

"Do you believe I can?" I asked again

"We all believe you can," She responded

"Tell that to my parents," I whispered

"I will, right after we rescue them," Missy said and I smiled at her before we arrived at the mothership

"I'm gonna go check it out," Noodles said while I walked back to Tiger and knelt down next to her

"Hey, Kitty wake up we're here," I whispered and she opened her eyes 

"Don't call me that," She whispered back and I got up 

"Come on," I said holding my hand out 

"That was so uncomfortable," Tiger whispered taking my hand and standing up

"Nobody said you would be comfortable," I laughed

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