Part 11

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"We're all good," Noodles confirmed and we all walked out

"Am I just really small, or is this ship really big?" Guppy asked

"it's enormous," Rewind said

"Yeah. How are we gonna find our parents?" Fast Forward asked

"I was thinking about that. Mrs. Granada found us really easily back at Grandma's house, and I think I know how your bracelet," Wheels said pointing at Missy's bracelet

"I haven't been able to contact my dad," Missy said

"But maybe the transmitter in there that connects the two bracelets works like a tracking device," Wheels replied

"But I need a pair of pliers and a heat source," Wheels continued

"Our teeth are strong because our dad's a shark," Guppy and Tiger said biting the air

"Perfect," Wheels said

"And I've got a heat source. Heat vision!" I yelled turning into a toaster

(Nobody's Pov)

Tiger knelt down and picked up the toaster 

"Keep trying buddy," She whispered before handing it to Wheels

"Close enough," Wheels said grabbing it

Wheels started working on the bracelet until he finally finished. They followed Missy down every hallway sneakily

"Is it working?" Wheels asked

"Well, it's leading us somewhere," Missy answered 

"Hey! That was really good back there," Missy said to Wild Card

"Turning into a toaster instead of making heat vision?" He asked

"It was heat-related. That's real progress," Tiger replied putting a hand on his shoulder

"I guess it's progress," Wild Card agreed

"You just watch. Pretty soon, you'll be teleporting like it's nobody's business. It's about belief," Missy said 

"Um, guys...Does anybody else hear that?" A Capella asked making everyone stop

"What is that?" The twins asked

Everyone ran to the sides just as a tentacle popped out of the floor. The kids screamed and started slowly running away with the tentacle following. The tentacle managed to trip Wild Card and he fell down in front of it. Tiger used her telekinesis and pulled him back as he stood up and followed everyone. Once they got to a hallway with 4 paths Missy pointed towards a door and they all ran towards it. As they were about to enter the room the tentacle appeared again making them scream until A Capella and Tiger held it back while everyone ran in. The girls followed behind them still holding the alien back until they got into the room and the door shut. In the middle of the room was a huge pyramid with some sort of liquid covering it.

"Look at that thing," Wild Card said pointing at it before a door below them opened

"What the heck is the president doing here?" Missy asked

"So they're inside this thing? All of them?" The president asked

"That's correct," A man answered

"How long before the takeover begins?" He asked again

"According to the supreme commander, less than an hour," The man answered

"So soon?" The president asked

"That's what she says, and she's never wrong," The man said

"You don't have to remind me. Ever wonder why we bother with all this when she already knows how it's gonna turn out?" The president replied

"All part of the process, I suppose," The man said as they walked out

"What is that thing?" Facemaker asked

"You heard him. It's a rocket stuffed to the gills with aliens. In less than an hour, they'll send it down to Earth and start the takeover," Wild Card answered

"Well, then we have to stop me. Let's go," Missy said

The kids turned around when the door opened and in came Miss Granada with two guards following her

"Do you children have any idea what you've done? Stealing one of our trains? Turning headquarters upside down? Flying an alien shuttle into outer space, Hmm? Well done! Looks like we underestimated your abilities and your leadership qualities. You took a huge risk, but it was the right risk. Headquarters was attacked just minutes after you escaped. If you hadn't broken out, you would have all been captured. And now you've managed to lead us into the heart of this alien mother ship? So proud!" Miss Granada said

"Wait, so we're not in trouble?" Missy asked

"Of course not. You are heroes," Miss Granada answered 

Everyone but Tiger and Wheels started cheering before he whispered to them

"Girls! Her vital signs are all over the place," Wheels whispered 

The girls looked at each other just as the president along with two more guards walked in

"Save your breath, Granada. They know," The president said

Miss Granada's smile faded as tentacles came out from their backs

"Well, then... round them up!" She ordered and the tentacles reached for them and gripped onto them before taking them to a cell and throwing them in

"Quit the pantomime, Slo-mo. You didn't even scrape a knee," Wild Card said as Slo-Mo fell in slowly making Tiger nudge him 

"Sorry," He mumbled 

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